Funny Gadgets shopping

Now you really can give someone a flying f***

Flying Fuck
A Flying F*ck

Now you really can give someone the FLYING F*CK that they deserve.

10 Things Disney Movies

Can you name the top merchandised film of the past 18 months?

Profit from your Idea via Smart Licensing
Profit from your Idea via Smart Licensing

Web Watch has previously covered HOW MUCH MONEY THE DISNEY CORPORATION MAKES ON POOH AND MICKEY MERCHANDISE, and it should come as no surprise that licensing of film characters — whether it be from any of the Disney-Pixar canon, to action heros, to Harry Potter, or to those appearing in the Twilight series — is all big, big business and massive money makers for those who hold the character licensing rights.

But can you name which are the TOP TEN FILMS WITH FILM MERCHANDISE over the past 18 months, based solely on the amout of imported licensed products that have been coming through customs (in other words, not counting anything made in the USA)?  



How fast can you solve a Rubik’s Cube?

Are you good enough to SPEED CUBE?

The International Rubik’s Cube Speed Championships were held recently, and the following records were set:

  • 11.73 seconds for the standard Cube
  • 1 minute, 46.47 seconds to solve a memorized Cube while blindfolded
  • 22.05 seconds for solving a Cube using only one hand

And you say that kids today are only sitting around playing video games.