Funny Video

Video fun: Balls on an Escalator

Why do this?

Because you can.


It’s true: toys can kill you

It’s true: toys can kill you.

The question is, “which toys”?

Funny Websites

Why teddy bears are the scariest toys you can give a child

Practically every child growing up has a favorite stuffed animal.

People love giving them as gifts: “oh, they’re so cute. Look how adorable it is.”

But little did you know that lurking under that soft, delicate fake fur is…

10 Things

Top 10 favorite teddy bears (“you know who” is “Number Two”)

A teddy bear is a timeless classic.  Which are your favorite teddy bears to sleep with?

Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh


Meet Gentry Stein: the 2014 World Yo-Yo Champion

This is Gentry Stein, the 2014 World Yo-Yo Champion.

10 Things

You’ll never guess what 35% of adults have slept around with

People like to sleep around an awful lot. But in some ways, we’re more the same than ever.

And you’ll never believe what 35% of those surveyed have admitted to sleeping with in their adult years.

Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear

Games shopping

Were Beanie Babies a Good Investment?

When was the last time you went through the bins in your storage closet?

Web Watch is betting that you’ve probably squirreled away some things that you thought you’d keep for future kids or grandkids, or maybe you thought that “this may be worth something some day”.

Or maybe you just wanted to have more stuff.  Hey, it happens.

So remember back when Pet Rocks were a thing?  They sold like flapjacks, then everyone realized that all they have was a rock in a cardboard box.  On the other hand, what originally sold for $3.95 can now be had on eBay for $11-$21 apiece, assuming that you have the original packaging.  It’s not a ton of money, but you can’t deny that the price point has certainly increased over the past 30+ years since the Pet Rock was first introduced.

Warman's Bean Plush Field Guide: Values and Identification
Warman’s Bean Plush Field Guide: Values and Identification

Gadgets shopping Websites

This is why we are broke

Ever look at your bank account statement (or ATM balance) and wonder where all your money went?

Look around your house, and all you see is generic stuff that you really could live without?

Contemplate why you bother with that $5 daily coffee break when the free coffee in the office really isn’t that bad?