10 Things Internet

Stuff you can do on the Internet in 60 seconds

How much time do you waste on the Internet every day?

Can you count your Internet time in minutes?  Hours?  Doubtful to even ask — but can you count what you do on the Internet in seconds?

1001 Incredible Things to Do on the Internet
1001 Incredible Things to Do on the Internet

10 Things Internet

It’s a trap! (How to avoid email fraud)

Web Watch knows many people who suffer from a daily deluge of spam email in their inbox.  It’s through no fault of their own – it has to do with their company email policies and the ease of guessing commonly spelled names at specific email domains.

Yes, we feel sorry for you, Ned Obody at the DMV.  Too bad you’re stuck with the email address of nobody@thedmv.goov as your email address.  (Note for anyone attempting to reach Mr Ned — Web Watch made that email address up, so the chances of it actually working are slim to none.)

10 Things How To Internet

How to reach Inbox Zero

Inbox Zero.

Web Watch hears this phrase thrown about at the office by managers who feel overwhelmed by the constant influx of arriving email messages.

All they want to do is get their email inbox to read “0 messages”…. and hopefully keep it that way.

Web Watch understands the desire to have 0 waiting messages, but INBOX ZERO is a goal that not everyone can achieve — especially us, who receives upwards of 1000 emails a day across multiple email accounts.   Granted, the vast majority of those messages are ones that can either be filed away or deleted without even being read or addressed — but that still is going to leave a few hundred emails each day that still need to be processed in some manner.

Yeah, achieving INBOX ZERO isn’t always possible for everybody…


66% of employees surveyed will respond to email while on vacation


66% of people surveyed said that they will respond to emails and text messages from work while on vacation.

Combine that with the 83% of diehard workaholics that say they check business email after-hours after they’ve left the office, and the 29% who still attend online meetings and/or conference calls while taking a day or two off, and what you have is a bunch of people who just can’t learn how to relax.   Heck, Web Watch is guilty of this ourselves, having done everything from creating Powerpoint presentations while sitting in a Las Vegas casino hotel lobby to hosting a conference call while on the Mad Tea Party teacups at Walt Disney World. 

We’re not proud of the latter, but one does what one has to do.

Not everybody can be “on” all the time; everyone is entitled to having some sort of downtime… and if your office can’t survive for an evening without your prying eyes micromanaging everything, then maybe you’re working for the wrong company.

How To Internet

Be more productive instantly: stop filing your email into folders

Overload! How Too Much Information is Hazardous to your Organization
Overload! How Too Much Information is Hazardous to your Organization

On any given day, Web Watch receives between 500-1000 work-related emails.    And we’re not even counting those emails that are routed directly into spam or junk folders.

While that may sound like a lot of email, the vast majority of those messages are informational – things that Web Watch needs to know about, but not anything that we need to actually do anything about. 

So we file those away into various folders for future reference if needed, leaving our Inbox mostly clear for those important messages that we actually need to read and take some action on.

But a recent study by IBM has found that maybe Google (and therefore, Google’s approach of how GMail is structured) may be the right way to do things all along.