How to be a Man: A Guide to Style and Behavior for the Modern Gentleman
If you have read DETAILS or GQ magazines over the past few years, you’ve probably seen the Style column written by Glenn O’Brien.
You may mock the recommendation for this book or others like it that have variations of “for the Modern Man” in the title, but you’ll find that if you pick them up and give them a quick glance, you’ll find at least a dozen helpful hints and suggestions hidden among all the things that you may feel don’t apply to you.
In other words, go out and get it. And frankly, any of these books make great gifts to your favorite nephew or younger cousin just about to enter high school or college. Might even get them set into the right direction as they’re about to head off into adulthood.
So as part of the book promotion tour, Glenn sat down with the A CONTINUOUS LEAN for an interview. That’s were we got the definitive answer on CLOTHING THAT A REAL MAN SHOULD NEVER WEAR.
- flip-flops
- fanny packs
- backpacks
- baseball caps
- skiing clothes in the city
- Any major sport league licensed merchandise, when not being worn in a stadium or within sight of the playing field
One satorical takeaway from the interview piece should be that one’s clothing should be relatively timeless. You shouldn’t be able to look at your closet and be able to divide it out by years. Parachute pants, skinny ties, jackets with padded shoulders, etc — all had a moment in the fashion world, but all that clothing is simply gathering dust today. Get rid of the dated stuff, and come back to the classics that will never go out of style.