
Now you can play practically any classic video game ever made, all in your browser

Remember how excited you were a couple of years ago when Web Watch told you about the ATARI ARCADE website, where you could play any number of classic Atari games online?

How would you like something a little better?  It’s not quite Minecraft, but its pretty darn close.

Atari 2600
Atari 2600


How much would you pay for an ad-free Internet?

Do you use any Ad Block software or have a custom HOSTS file to prevent advertisements from overwhelming your Internet browser?

Do you get tired of pop-up, pop-under, fly-by, expanding multimedia ads that hide the content you’re really interested in seeing?

Maybe there’s a real answer to the problem instead of fighting the advertisers:

10 Things Internet

What’s the most popular web browser?

You’re a web developer. What web browsers should you support when you consider your website visitors?


You’re a casual web surfer. Which browser should you stop using in order to guarantee that you’ll still be able to visit your favorite website?

How To Internet Websites

Are you still using Internet Explorer 6? Please stop, right now.

Hi.   Welcome to Web Watch.

What browser are you using?

If you answer with anything other than INTERNET EXPLORER version 6, then welcome.  You can skip this post entirely and go on to find other, more interesting things that we’ve posted on Web Watch over the years.

In other words, this post is not for you.