Funny Websites

Great Moments in Parenting Blog

If you have kids and want to laugh at other parents’ misery, you will want to check out ONE GOOD THING’s HUMILIATING MOMENTS IN PARENTING blog, if only for this one classic part of the post:

For hands-down humiliation, however, I haven’t yet been able to top my neighbor’s misery, when his three year old daughter interrupted his poker game by running naked into the room and screaming with a joyous voice of discovery, “DADDY! DID YOU KNOW? I COME WITH MY OWN POCKET! AND IT CAN HOLD A PEN! LOOK!”


Baby Review: How Cute is Your Baby?

As every new mother or father will tell you, their baby is always the prettiest or cutest one on the planet. 

BABY REVIEW begs to differ, by telling those same parents the truth about their offspring:  that all they are are “Fabulous Feces Factories” or some such.  

The cool thing about this site is that it does exactly the same thing as you might be thinking to yourself as you walk around the mall – if only there was an Ugly Baby Makeover Contest program on TV, where comedians go to the mall and award proud parents for having the ugliest baby there.

Internet shopping Websites

One Red Paperclip

Kyle MacDonald has a mission in life: all he wants is a house.

All he had to start with was ONE RED PAPERCLIP.

He’s working on the bartering system, trading item for item until he gets his house.

He traded the paperclip for a pen, and then he traded the pen for a drawer pull. The drawer pull got him a Coleman stove, which he traded for an electric generator. The generator was exchanged for a keg of beer and a Budweiser neon sign.