
Math is hard; let’s go shopping!

There’s a running joke at Web Watch about one’s ability – or inability – to handle math that’s more advanced than the basic multiplication table.

We’ve counted on our fingers in public more often than we care to note, and we are often despised at the blackjack tables — not because we don’t know the rules of the game or make the incorrect strategy decisions, but rather because we slow the game down tremendously while we determine whether we should hit or stay on a 6 of clubs and an 8 of hearts vs a dealer’s up-card of 4.

Yeah, 6+8 shouldn’t be a difficult piece of math to remember, but sometimes things aren’t as easy as they look.

10 Things News Travel

How well do you know world events and politics? (Chances are, not well at all)

Were you one of those kids who really excelled at Social Studies in grade school?

Do you sit there and read through the World Almanac every year?

Can you entertain others at a cocktail party with your ability to name every foreign president in alphabetical order?

Yeah, we didn’t think so.  Kids who can do that kind of stuff are pretty much dorks.


School Suspensions Do Not Work

Web Watch remembers a few times that we had to sit through a few after-school suspensions.  We certainly don’t remember the exact cause of having to sit, Breakfast Club-like, in a classroom and “consider our actions”.

We’re sure that we were wrongly accused, completely innocent – whatever it was.  Perhaps we need to check out our PERMANENT RECORD someday, to see what horrors we bestowed on our fellow students or faculty.


Study: Using Facebook causes school grades to be 20% lower; can also get you fired

Parent's Guide to Facebook
A Parent’s Guide to Facebook

Facebook has become an addiction.

Everywhere you look, people are busy hunched over their phones or laptops, feverishly updating their statuses, posting on friends’ walls, playing Farmville or word games — in essence, doing everything OTHER than what they’re supposed to be doing.

Facebook is having a negative effect on business and the economy — in one study earlier this year, over 6% of all URLs accessed by businesses were being sent to Facebook, and that Facebook accounted for 4.5% of all Internet bandwidth.  Just imagine if all that effort spent on poking and updating had been spent on actual work, we’d all be in a much better economic state-of-mind. 

Besides, don’t forget that CHARLIE WAS FIRED FROM HIS JOB FOR USING FACEBOOK. Granted, he was spending up to 4 hours a day on Facebook – so that might have something to do with it – but he certainly hasn’t been the only one that was fired for Facebooking while on company time.