10 Things News

Are you a roadkill killer? Chances are – yes, yes you are.

Web Watch sees it every day.

Animal carcasses by the side of the road.  Usually it’s a skunk or an opposum.

Sometimes a raccoon.  Occasionally a rabbit.  Wild animals that just don’t know how to cross a road safely (which may explain why we never see a chicken at the side of the road — apparently, chickens know how to cross the road).

Once in a while we see a deer.

We even saw a dead moose once.  No idea how the car that hit that monstrosity survived.

10 Things How To Websites

Here’s everything you’ve ever wanted to know about embalming people

How many of you can say that you’re friends with a mortician?

Every circle of friends has a car guy, a computer guy, a music guy, a sports guy.  Why not a death guy?

Besides, you almost need one of those around just to answer all the creepy questions that everyone inevitably has.  When was the last time that you spoke to a funeral director when death wasn’t on the line?

10 Things Gambling How To

What are the odds of killing yourself when playing Russian Roulette?

What are the odds of killing yourself while playing Russian Roulette?

Web Watch doesn’t really know why this question was asked on the Internet, but it was – and it’s our duty to share this information with our faithful Web Watch readers.

Because one never knows when one will find themselves in a Russian Roulette game where this may come into play.

Of course, you can always make it Beer Roulette, where you guess as to which one of the beers in the 6-pack has been shaken up.  It’s a waste of a good can of beer, but it’s infinitely funnier.

10 Things

When you die, will you have any regrets?

When you die, are you going to have any regrets?

Will there be things that you wish you had done, things you wish you had said – anything that in your last days on Earth you would look back on and ask yourself, “what if…”?

This is more than just fulfilling a Bucket List.  This is about closure.

Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse, specializing in caring for dying patients, those in the last few weeks of their lives.  Over the years, she has spent much time talking with and comforting her patients, listening to those last few words that they had to share.

10 Things How To

The 25 Documents Everyone Should Have Finalized Before They Die