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How many apps does a person need on their smartphone?

Show of hands – how many of you own a smartphone (Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android primarily)?

That’s right – we know that while the vast majority of you did raise your hand proudly waving your mini-computer around, there are still a fairly substanial number of you who still proudly sport a flip phone or other non-smartphone around in your pocket.

And that’s okay.  For you, you can skip over this post knowing that you’ve made the right decision.

How’s that?

It’s because we’re about to tell you how smartphone users are really no different from flipphone users, when it comes right down to it.

How NOT To Write an App: A reality check for budding app developers
How NOT To Write an App:
A reality check for budding app developers

Gadgets Internet

The average phone user checks their phone 150 times per day

How many times a day do you check your phone, whether it be for messages, emails, Twitter, Facebook status updates, Instagram, or actually making a phone call to someone?  We’re not even talking exclusively smartphone users, who have those things glued to their hands at all times.  We’re including all mobile phone users here.

Heck, you may even be reading this Web Watch post on your phone right now.

How To

Why ICE (“In Case of Emergency”) is Worthless

If you’re like Web Watch, then you too have likely received the parental email thread – typically forwarded from friend after friend, Facebook after Facebook post – that encourages everyone to enter an I.C.E. entry on your cellphone.


That ICE entry would contain the name, phone number, and other immediately important information about the person/people that emergency responders should contact for you when an emergency or crisis occurs.  Web Watch even knows someone who has a complete ICE binder sitting smack on top of their refrigerator, with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of their entire family tree.  This makes sense, of course – as everyone knows that the kitchen is the 2nd most dangerous place in the house… after the bathroom.

And who would want to keep an ICE binder in the bathroom?

Gadgets Internet

What type of smartphone are you using? (Some people don’t know…)

Without looking, can you tell Web Watch what type of phone you have?

Who made it?  What operating system it’s running?

Well, chances are — because Web Watch readers tend to be smarter than the average bear — you can tell us what type of phone you have.  You may not get the operating system quite right, and a few of you may not know your phone’s manufacturer.

Well, it ends up that not knowing may put you in the majority.

10 Things

The Family Bed: More than just sleeping happens there

Call it what you will: the FAMILY BED, COSLEEPING, or just being a parent who loves the comfort that sleeping near their children brings to them — sharing the parental bed as a family can be very beneficial to uniting the family unit – just as it may seem a bit unusual to those parents who don’t follow the same practice.

The Family Bed is different from having all the kids jump into the bed with their parents because they’re sick, had a nightmare, or are scared of the big thunderstorm that’s going on outside.

Web Watch will let our readers learn about what the Family Bed is – and isn’t – on their own.  We’re here to talk about it in a slightly different manner…