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The Roommate from Hell

Web Watch agrees that this type of thing can happen to anyone. 

Everybody has some odd roommate story that they can share.  We went through 6 months of one roommate never doing their own laundry.


Yeah, it’s true.  Many years back, we shared an apartment with two guys… and one of them, apparently, didn’t have any socks of his own.  He would “borrow” socks from Web Watch (we shudder to think if he was “borrowing” underpants from our other roommate), and then toss the dirtys into the appropriate hamper for the unsuspecting soul to wash on laundry day.

For a while, Web Watch could never understand why we were always running out of clean socks ahead of where we thought we would be in the laundry cycle.   Sure, we figured it out – but by then, it was too late.  A use pattern had set in.

Luckily, we were able to kick him out – and laundry returned to normal levels.


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Want to own a Reality TV house? Here’s what it will cost you…

Real Housewives of Beverly HillsReal Housewives of Beverly Hills

We all watch a little bit of trashy Reality TV.  In part because we marvel at the extravagant homes and lifestyles these people live.

Who wouldn’t want to be them – sans camera crews – for just a day or two?

Who would want to live in one of those absolutely gorgeous homes?  Well, it turns out that you can, as many of them are available for sale or rent to anyone willing to pony up some cash.

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Today’s Challenge: How long could you live in a 12′ x 7′ space?

New York Apartments
New York Apartments

Today’s challenge? How long would you be able to live in an apartment that was just 11′ long and 7′ wide?

That’s about 78 square feet total.

Do you think you could survive living there overnight?  A week?  How about a month?

Luke Clark Tyler doesn’t see it as a challenge at all — he’s doing it, and paying $750/month for the privilege of LIVING IN A SHOEBOX-SIZED APARTMENT IN NEW YORK CITY.

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RealEstalker gives Inside Scoop on Celebrity Homes

Maps to Celebrity Homes

We’ve previously covered how to LOCATE CELEBRITY HOMES ON GOOGLE here on Web Watch, and it seems to have been a hit with a number of Web Watch’s visitors.

So we thought we’d offer another way for tourists to look around and gawk at those places that celebrities call home when the celebrities aren’t invading our living rooms through that magic talking box in the corner.

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How to Find Celebrity Homes on Google Maps

Maps to Celebrities HomesSo you’re sitting around the house watching the REAL HOUSEWIVES marathon on Bravo, and you got to wondering:  we know that we always see these houses and townhomes in the shots, but where exactly do these women live?

Or maybe you want to see exactly where the Playboy Mansion is in relation to other celebrity homes in Hollywood?

Sure, you could do a couple of Google searches or type things into Google Maps to see what comes up, or you could do what Web Watch does and visit VIRTUAL GLOBETROTTER, because they’ve already done the hard part for you.