10 Things How To

Contrary to popular belief, “women’s business networks” don’t always work

Web Watch has been a member of any number of work-related groups and networking circles.

Usually, they serve some greater purpose in advancing one’s career via seminars and learning opportunities. 

But the networking aspect of them always felt a little… off. 

Very clique-ish, especially from an outsider’s viewpoint looking in.  If you didn’t already know someone who knew someone, your ability to join in all the fun and reindeer games would be similar to what you probably went through in high school, with the same insecurities in trying to make it in with the In Crowd.

10 Things

10 job interview questions that you don’t want potential employers asking you

Interviewing for a new job can be a stressful experience.  You’re trying to make the best first impression, and the employer liked your resume enough to warrant giving you a chance.

Web Watch believes that anything that’s mentioned on a resume is fair game to talk about during an interview.  So if you don’t want to talk about that 8-month stint where you were an executive assistance to Jennifer Anniston if that job didn’t give you any skills that are applicable to what you’re applying for, then you might want to leave that off.

10 Things How To

Three traits new college graduates must have to get a job

If you’re a recent college graduate (or about to be one), here’s something that you should know:

It’s a jungle out there, and getting a job right out of college is not as much of a guarantee as it used to be.

When hiring managers are combing through stacks and stacks of resumes looking for the ideal candidate to fill an open position, it often comes down to just a few things that can separate the You’re Hired pile from the Don’t Bother pile.

How To

The difference between a “workaholic” and an “engaged workaholic”

Are you a workaholic?

Maybe you’re a workaholic and you don’t even realize it.

Sure, all of us tend to spend a lot of time either at work, thinking about work, or trying to do work at non-work times. Web Watch has told you numerous times in the past when we’ve taken conference calls while on vacation — that would certainly qualify as a definition of workaholic.

But did you know that there are different shades of workaholism? That’s right – there’s a heirarchy of workaholics.

10 Things

10 jobs that are expected to disappear in 2012

What do you do for a living today?

Do you expect that job to still be pertinent when 2012 comes to an end?   If you’re in the pay phone repair business, you may want to start looking to expand your skillset.

Same thing if you’re working at a GPS manufacturer or printing Yellow Pages.   All of these are jobs that technology has trumped over the past few years.

But there are trends that you may want to pay attention to, especially if you believe what the BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS’ OCCUPATIONAL OUTLOOK HANDBOOK has to say regarding what jobs are currently on the decline.

How To shopping

Want to succeed in business? Try wearing black

Beyond Business Casual: What To Wear To Work If You Want To Get Ahead
Beyond Business Casual:
What To Wear To Work If You Want To Get Ahead

As we head into a new year, you may have on your list of New Year’s Resolutions to “get promoted at work”.

While working hard and getting recognized for the job that you do while at the office is only part of the way to advance your career – you may want to take a look at some of the esoteric things. 

Apparently, according to CareerBuilder:

How To

Women: want to make more money? Stop shaving, showering

How to Dress Properly

We all know that proper grooming is important to succeed in the workplace.

Web Watch knows a few men with (shall we say…) less than admirable shower and clothes-washing habits.

One situation arose where a co-worker had to be taken aside and be told explicitly to go home and shower.  It was an uncomfortable conversation, but it had to be done.  You could smell him coming from down the hall.  Web Watch shudders just remembering the stench, it was that bad.

10 Things

Choosing a job: don’t pick one that has a bad income to education ratio

Get Paid What You're Worth: The Expert Negotiators' Guide to Salary and Compensation
Get Paid What You’re Worth: The Expert Negotiators’ Guide to Salary and Compensation

One of Web Watch’s happiest days was the one where we wrote our final student loan payment check and sent it off.

We were finally free!

Today’s college students owe an average of $25,250 in student debt – along with high unemployment for when they do get out of school with their degree.  So it’s imperitive to be thinking ahead in terms of what degree are you trying to earn, and counterbalance that with the real-world scenario of what those jobs will actually pay you once you begin your work life.

Employers are always talking about how today’s coddled college students are coming in for job interviews and asking (demanding, even) salaries in the 50’s, 60’s, and 80’s.  Fresh faces out of school might not be able to make such demands — especially if they haven’t choosen their career path wisely.

Incorrect expectations, it seems.