10 Things food News Travel

The Top Grossing Restaurants in the Country

Ever wonder how much month there is to make in the restaurant business?

For the vast majority of small business owners, restaurants are one of the riskiest businesses to try to run; the failure rate is daunting.

But when you hit on a location, concept, menu, or otherwise have a high level of repeat customers who you can rely on for a steady income — then you have something.

And if you get to the point where you can appear on a list of the TOP GROSSING RESTAURANTS IN THE COUNTRY, then you know you’ve hit the big time.

10 Things Funny Websites

What is the best word ever?

What is the best word ever?

Some would say that it comes down to the most commonly-used words like “like”, “dude”, or the ever popular “fck”.  Some people – like your English teachers – would hope that the Best Word Ever would be something a bit more egalitarian.

10 Things TV Websites

Statistics: Deaths on Star Trek (or, why wear a red shirt when other colors will do?)

What’s the toughest job in the universe?

Being a red shirt-wearing character on the classic TV showSTAR TREK.

Countless stories, articles, and jokes have been written about the high mortality rate of those ill-fated crew members who always seem to find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time on planetary excursions.

Web Watch would chalk this up to mis-management by the ship’s captain and his commanding officers, but Captain Kirk would never see things that way.  He was on a five-year mission, dammit.

food Science

Are your children fat? Blame all that soda you’re feeding them

Have you seen the reports from all the elementary and middle schools that are removing soda machines from their hallways?

Those communities are fed up with the amount of junk food that kids today are consuming, and they figure that if they can remove the soda machines from the classroom – that will automatically start making kids healthier.

In some regard, it ends up that those communities may be right after all.

10 Things food

You are the egg-man. Goo goo ga choo

Is there anything better than a well-cooked egg?

Eggs are the one dish that everybody has a favorite version of.  Some people prefer the basic scrambled egg, while for others, the perfect sunny-side up egg is perfection.

One question that eludes Web Watch is who was the first person to see a chicken lay an egg, who then decided that THAT would be something that we should try to eat.  And the second person, who decided that the first person’s idea of eating an egg raw was uncivilized.

10 Things Travel Websites

The Best Haunted Houses in America

Web Watch loves – and hates – haunted house attractions.

We love the concept, we love the designs. We love the insane creativity that goes on in putting on a successful Haunted House year after year.

But we wouldn’t be caught dead going to one as a guest.  We don’t find running through a scare zone all that much fun.

We know, we’re in the minority on this, as Haunted Houses are multi-million dollar businesses these days.

10 Things Travel Websites

Embrace your future: one of these 75 cities is where you want to be

The future is a scary place, in part because nobody who’s been sent there in a time machine has ever come back (that we know of).

So we don’t have any future warnings of things that might be if we don’t change our ways.