How To Internet News

Can you live for a year without the Internet? This guy’s going to try…

How long could you live without the Internet?

A few months ago, that’s exactly what Paul Miller decided to do with his life.

How To Music Travel Websites

How to make the Ultimate Road Trip Mixtape

Web Watch is certain we’ve written aboutHOW TO MAKE THE ULTIMATE ROADTRIP MIXTAPEpreviously, but needless to say, if it’s our archive of thousands of links we’ve covered over the years, that posting is sadly lost.  (If it ever turns up, we’ll be sure to link it from here – you know, just for closure.)

Besides, if true, it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve written about a particular website more than once in the annals of Web Watch history.

How To Websites

How well do you write? Here’s one way to tell if your writing sucks

As Web Watch has previously pointed out, knowing how to write – and to write well – is a skillset that everybody should take the time to improve upon.

English class in college or high school may not have been interesting, but in hindsight, it was probably one of the few classes where you should have paid a bit more attention than you had.

Being able to write intelligently, in a way that others find interesting, on any number of topics – is not easy.  Web Watch has always been told that one should write like one talks.  Try not to write above your normal speech pattern, or the resulting text will just sound stilted and unnatural.

Hemingway — again, as Web Watch has said — had it right.  Don’t use six words when five words will do.  Summarize.  Rewrite.  Condense.   Your readers will thank you for this.

Funny TV Websites

The Ultimate Dave Coulier Website

Sometimes it’s the simplest ideas that are the best, right?

How To Music shopping Websites

Christmas in July: How to Create a Synchronized Light Show

Web Watch knows it’s hot out there.

You’re hot. We’re hot. It’s walking on the sun, hot.

So what better way to cool off than to start planning your Christmas holiday light display?

How To Music Websites

Art as Music. Music as Art. (or, How to visualize a song)

Do you – or someone you know – suffer from SYNESTHESIA?

That’s the neurological condition where someone experiences one sense at the same time (or in place of) experiencing it in the traditional way.

One of Web Watch’s friends has this condition, and when they hear specific words, they also end up visualizing that word in front of them at the same time.  Some people see colors by smell, or can hear what tree bark sounds like by touching it.

Look, we know that the above isn’t the best explanation about what’s going on in some people’s heads, but the point is that some people just are better at visualizing things in a manner that the rest of us could just never understand.

News Science

Study says – Spanking can lead to mental illness

Parents: how do you punish your children when they get out of line and you need to make a quick disciplinary action?

Do you count to three, but don’t have any idea what to do when you reach the number four, five, or ten?

Sometimes spanking – or, at the very least, a quick swat on the butt to get a child’s attention – is the method of last resort for some parents.  Look, whether you agree with spanking or not, parents should agree that the reason spanking has survived as long as it has over the generations is because it works.

While the old adage of “this hurts me more than it hurts you” may come into your mind if you decide to spank your child, that may not necessarily be true anymore.

food Games Travel Websites

Steakhouse or Gay Bar?

You’ve driven down the road and seen the signs for a new restaurant or bar in your town.  Sometimes, have you ever wondered – based solely on the name itself – what type of restaurant it was?

Sure, we’re all familiar with Hooters, and for the most part the name conjures up what one would expect to see inside.

Similarly for Longhorn Steakhouse or Tony Roma’s Ribs – you know what those establishments are going to be about before you even step foot in the door.