
Dogs are welcoming our robot overlords

Remember when Web Watch told you about how dogs prefer to eat human food?  Or, at the very least, they prefer to eat food that their human shows them is good to eat?

It ends up that dogs really are more aware of the people around them than we give them credit for. Perhaps the “man’s best friend” term really isn’t just a phrase, but something true and real.

Robotic Dog
Robot Dog

How To

What your cat’s meow means

Do you know what your cat wants?

Yes, every cat basically wants to be left alone – we’re only there to provide food, water, and occasionally clean their litter box.  We are there to cater to a cat’s needs.

But once in a while, a cat will deem it necessary to communicate with their human caretaker.

Cat Butt Magnets
Cat Butt Magnets

How To Video

Why you shouldn’t keep your pet in your car

Do you drive your dog around each weekend?

Is your dog the kind that travels with its head out the window, sniffing as the world goes by?  Or is your dog a bit more casual – sitting comfortably in the passenger seat and napping?

Or are you the kind of driver who insists on driving with your dog sitting in your lap (and possibly getting in the way of the airbag, should it be needed in an emergency situation)?

Car Thermometer
Car Thermometer

shopping Websites

Chicken Diapers: the perfect gift

Chicken Diapers.

We know.

There’s not much to it.  When one hears “Chicken Diapers”, you pretty much know what you’re going to get when you click the link.

How To

Want to stay healthy? Stop sleeping with your pets

This year’s flu season seems to be a bit out of control, so everyone is looking for ways to stay as healthy as possible given the circumstances.

Some people are just working from home for weeks on end while the funk runs through their office co-workers.  Others are keeping their kids home from school or daycare for the same reason – which is a shock to everyone that there are people who will actually keep their kids out of school for illness reasons!

There’s the over-reliance on anti-bacterial products, using a tissue-wrapped pen to punch your ATM code into the machine, doing everything one can think of to avoid touching any potentially unclean surface that may be contaminated with another person’s germs.

10 Things

Bella and Kitty lead the list of Top Pet Names for 2012

Naming your new puppy or kitten is a pseudo-exact science.

Some people let their kids name the pets, as that’s a way to encourage ownership with the kids and hopefully force them to remember to feed or clean up after their new furry companion.  (Ha! Likely not to happen, but it’s worth a shot – right, parents?)

Others base the names they select off the pet’s coloring (black cats would be “Smokey” or “Shadow”. Spotted dogs would be, well, “Spot”)

And others may decide to name their pets after their own favorite hobbies.  Which may explain why there are so many pets named after either spices or alcohol.

How To

How do you play with your dog?

You own a dog.  But your dog gets bored, and decided to chew up your furniture.

Hey, it happens.

Dogs need seemingly constant attention and distractions to keep them occupied and entertained.  While cats could care less about the humans they keep around to help get them tuna every once in a while, a dog craves interaction with their owner.

Funny How To Internet News TV Websites

Why every office should be filled with kittens and puppies

Are you watching the current BRAVO TV program LOLWORK?

It’s a reality TV program that allegedly shows the real-world behind-the-scenes workings of how the Cheezburger Network — home toLOL CATSand millions of other funny animal pictures and videos — does business.

While most the show appears to be purposefully driven to make what is supposed to be good TV, there are specific business-aspects that get aired that really for-real give a reasonable peek behind the curtain of what it takes to run a popular content-driven website.

Watching LOLWORK will give you a good reminder that it’s always hard work to create good, compelling CONTENT for your website, but that it’s that same content that also brings eyeballs to your site in the first place.  Focus on the content, let everything else fall into place later.