10 Things Internet News

The 12 Most Annoying Facebook Users

Here’s an update to a Web Watch posting from a few months ago on 10 Ways To Be a Facebook Offender.

It seems that CNN has taken that idea and twisted it around a little bit, releasing their own list of 12 MOST ANNOYING FACEBOOK USERS.  Perhaps you can recognize yourself or one of your friends in these descriptions:

Funny Gadgets TV Websites

Press the Button. You Know You Want To.

Some Internet sites are designed to be useful.

Some are not.

Today in Web Watch, we will focus on a few websites that definitely fall into the latter category: websites that ask you to do just one thing – push a button.


Multitasking Sucks. And if You’re a Multitasker, You Suck Too.

Finally, a study has come out from Stanford University that proves what Web Watch has been thinking all along:


It’s true.  And you know it.

You see them every day at the office or at the house.  Maybe you’re even married to one who claims to be more successful than you are because they’re a “multitasker”.  They can do more things before breakfast than you’ll do all day.

Oh, la-di-freakin’ dah.

How To shopping

Want to Stimulate the Economy? Buy Underpants


Because nothing says “stimulation” than seeing that the men’s underwear market is a US$5 billion a year industry, give or take a little.

And these business analysts say that the economic ups-and-downs we’ve been experiencing lately are all tied to how often men purchase their tighty-whiteys, boxers, boxer briefs, thongs(!), and banana hammocks.  (Web Watch includes those latter items for our European and more adventurous readers.)

Funny News Travel

Smelly People Should be Banned from Buses and Roller Coasters

Hawaiians have it right.

Tomorrow, the Honolulu City Council is going to consider a bill that will BAN PEOPLE WITH EXCESSIVE BODY ODOR FROM RIDING PUBLIC TRANSIT.

And the bill is written so that it isn’t just bad B.O. that will get a rider kicked off the bus – it’s having anything stinky on or about your person that “disturbs or interferes with others”.

Carrying a stinky garlic pizza with extra garlic?  Off the bus.

Extreme workout at the office gym and forget your deodorant?  Off the bus.

Have a wet dog with dingleberries?  Off the bus.

Funny shopping Websites

Photo Blog: People of Wal-Mart

Why do people hate Wal-Mart?

It can’t be because of their everyday low prices.

It can’t be because of their wide selection of quality merchandise.

It can’t be because of their easily accessible locations, their policy allowing RVs to park overnight, or many being open 24 hours for everyone’s shopping convenience.

If it’s not the company, the stores, or the employees, it has to be something else.  Something more…. esoteric.