How To

Hospital infections kill someone every six minutes

The CDC claims that 1.7 million people become infected while at a hospital, but according to RID: The Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths, the actual number of infections at hospitals each year is much, much higher.

On average, a patient DIES AT A HOSPITAL due to a hospital-related infection every six minutes.  RID says it’s at least 103,000 (preventable?) deaths a year, causing up to $30 billion in hospital costs.

It’s the fourth leading cause of death, with heart disease, cancer, and strokes taking the top three spots.

Funny Gadgets Internet Websites

Cat Website Fun! (but apparently not if you use Internet Explorer)

Here’s something silly. Enjoy!

10 Things Websites

Baby names to avoid if you don’t want your child to grow up to be a stripper

Stripper names are interesting, aren’t they?

You can only imagine that there exists a Xerox sheet in the back of the bar that all new strippers go through, crossing off names as they become unavailable.

It couldn’t be as simple as this list of 700 STRIPPER NAMES, because some of the suggestions they have don’t seem to be very realistic:  “Henry Poopdeck, the Sailer” is not a stripper Web Watch cares to see.

10 Things

What your sleeping position reveals about your personality

How do you like to sleep at night?

Are you a light sleeper?  Sleep like a log?  Toss and turn around a lot?

Web Watch knows one couple who absolutely can’t sleep in the same bed, and purposefully have two twin beds in their master bedroom because each spouse’s sleeping style totally conflicts with the other’s.


How your shoes can predict your personality

They say that “shoes make the man”.

Women often say that the first thing they notice about a potential date is their shoes.

Men often pay attention to women who wear FMPs.

Yes, shoes are an integral part of who we are, and what defines us.

How To News

Want to make more money? Don’t ask your overly-fertile boss for a raise if you’re pretty

Men – are you more comfortable or less comfortable working for a female boss?

Women, same question to you: do you prefer working for a male boss or a female boss?

Maybe it doesn’t really matter whether the person you’re working for is a man or a woman — but if your boss is a woman, you may want to hold off asking for that raise if your boss is pregnant.