10 Things

Top Money Earning apps for iPhone, Android, and iPad (Oct 2014)

Another month is in the books, and it’s time to take a look at the TOP MONEY EARNING APPS in the Apple and Android app stores:

10 Things food Travel

Who eats more meat, China or the US? (You’ll be surprised by the answer)

People in China are stereotypically believed to live longer, healthier lives – primarily based on their dietary habits. And as stereotypes go, that’s really not a bad judgement call to make on anyone’s part. Who wouldn’t want to be naturally considered healthier than those around you, solely based on your heritage or where you currently live?

Well, perhaps there’s something more at steak (HA!) than what we think is happening, diet-wise.

Meat is Murder
Meat is Murder

10 Things food Travel

The Top Earning Restaurants in the Country

It’s easy to start a restaurant or bar.

It’s harder to make money doing it.

But some bars and restaurants have figured out a way to make it happen, and make a ton of money doing it. Whether they happen to be in the right place at the right time, or whether they’re a destination unto themselves, these TOP RESTAURANTS IN THE COUNTRY have proven that where there’s a will, there’s a way to make some dough in the food business.

Waiter Rant
Waiter Rant

10 Things food

What’s the most satisfying Restaurant Franchise to own?

Have you ever dreamed of owning your own business?

It’s one thing to start a business on your own, go into consulting or similar. It’s another to buy into someone else’s concept and try to make a go of it with their marketing support.

10 Things

Worst, Overused Corporate Buzzwords

We all have played BUZZWORD BINGO in our office meetings, conferences, and presentations.

Sometimes those corporate phrases are appropriate. Other times, it’s just a talking head trying to sound more important than they really are.  Everyone knows they have a job to do (one would think), so we don’t need the demotivating words and phrases that oft-repeated without any real substance behind them.

The Dictionary of Corporate Bullshit: An A to Z Lexicon of Empty, Enraging, and Just Plain Stupid Office Talk
The Dictionary of Corporate Bullshit:
An A to Z Lexicon of Empty, Enraging, and
Just Plain Stupid Office Talk

10 Things food

How bad are food prices rising? Pork and beef way, way up

More and more Americans are being hit with higher grocery store bills, and it’s not all due to rising gas prices leading to an increase in transportation costs.

No, you aren’t seeing things when you browse through the “new low prices” sign at the grocery store — those “low prices” really aren’t lower than what they have been. In many cases, those “new low prices” are just a highlight of “hey, we don’t charge as much for this as the other guy is, but it’s still a higher price than you’re used to paying”.

The Economics of Food Price Volatility
The Economics of Food Price Volatility

10 Things Travel

The Top Haunted House Attractions in the US

We’ve already told you about HOW MUCH MONEY HAUNTED HOUSES CAN MAKE during the holiday season.

So if you’re not in the mood to make money running your own Haunted House, which haunted house attractions should be considered worth your money this year?

Haunted House Business Plan
Haunted House Business Plan

10 Things

Want to retire and live outside of the US? Here’s where to go…

If you’re smart, you’re constantly worrying about your retirement.

How much to save? Are you saving enough? How are your investments doing? What age is a good age to retire to get maximum Social Security benefits?

The list of questions goes on…
The International Living Guide to Retiring Overseas on a Budget: How to Live Well on $25,000 a Year
The International Living Guide to
Retiring Overseas on a Budget:
How to Live Well on $25,000 a Year