food How To News

How To Lose 10 Pounds in One Year By Doing Practically Nothing

The New York Post recently had an article entitled WHEN IT COMES TO WEIGHT LOSS, CUT 100 – CALORIES, THAT IS!

The article points out one simple fact:  if you eat 100 fewer calories a day for an entire year and change absolutely nothing else about your exercise or diet plan, then you will be taking in 36,500 fewer calories over the course of those 365 days.

100 fewer calories a day.  That should be easy.

One less fat-free Jell-O Pudding Cup.

One less slice of bread.

One less bottle of original VitaminWater (the full caloric version).


Mastering One’s Domain, so to speak

The Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy published a study by Aniruddha Das entitled “MASTURBATION IN THE US” that says that people aren’t enjoying themselves as much as others might think they are.  What’s the old joke –  “Those who say they aren’t doing it are lying?”

Sociologists from the University of Chicago’s Department of Sociology and Population Research Center asked 3,116 Americans how often they pleasured themselves over the previous 12 months.  Here is a little bit of what they found:

Book food News

Foods That Help You Fall Asleep

The book SLEEP TO BE SEXY, SMART, and SLIM has all sorts of tips on things you need to do to help you fall asleep and stay asleep through the night.

One of the tips that they suggest is to watch what you eat in the hours before you go to sleep, eating only foods that digest quicker.

A study entitled High Glycemic Index Carbohydrate Meals May Shorten Sleep Onset published in the American Journal of Clincal Nutrition agrees with this philosphy, stating that eating a meal with a high glycemic index four hours before you go to sleep can cut your “falling to sleep” time in half by increasing the amount of tryptophan and seratonin your body produces.

food News Websites

Daughter Breastfeeds Her Own Father

New Idea magazine has an article about an Australian family where THE DAUGHTER BREASTFEEDS HER FATHER.  

It may sound a bit unusual, but she has a legitimate reason to do so.

27-year-old Georgia Brown has two mouths to feed:  her own eight-month-old son, and her 67-year-old father, Tim.


Can a Brazilian Bikini Wax Kill You?

Ladies – here’s a research paper that you might want to read before you go to the spa for your next wax job: SEVERE COMPLICATIONS OF A “BRAZILIAN” BIKINI WAX.

If your waxing goes awry, and it could happen, you could find yourself facing all sorts of nasty complications.  The study focused on a 20-year-old Australian woman who had a Brazilian wax, but then started suffering from fever, swelling genitalia, and “copious vaginal discharge” in the days following.  She didn’t seek medical attention until another week had passed.  By the time she reached the ER, she was in so much pain due to the swelling, that she was unable to pee.


Why Lefties Survive in a Right-Handed World

National Geographic has an article with a theory about lefties-vs-righties, entitled LEFTIES SURVIVE (BARELY) DUE TO ELEMENT OF SURPRISE? 

Left-handed people have disadvantages.  Over the years, lefties are more apt to suffer from schizophrenia, epilepsy, autism, or have learning disabilities.  They are more likely to have a serious accident, as most of the world is designed around righties.  Male lefties are also shorter, on average.

However, scientists have determined that lefties carry with them the ability to throw the other 90% of the world off their guard.  This is why left-handed people are often more successful in sports competition versus the more common right-handed folks.  Baseball pitchers, batters, tennis players, boxers – the left-handed ones are often prized and in high-demand. 

They also say that left-handed men earn more than right-handed men, on average.  Lefties also have better coordination, and often have IQs higher than 131.

Funny News

Doctors Use Natural Orafices For Surgery

CNN is reporting on a new trend in experimental surgery: DOCTORS USING NATURAL ORAFICES FOR SURGERY.   A few weeks ago, for example, a woman made the news by being able to donate a kidney by having it removed through her vagina.  

It certainly makes reasonable sense to do surgery this way if it’s possible.  There is less recovery time, no external scarring, and less risk of infection – a combination that should help reduce overall healthcare costs associated with some surgeries.  But for now, this is still considered an experimental process.

According to the article, this new technique to access areas via the mouth or the vagina is most often used to perform bariatric surgery, but has also been used to remove gallbladders, kidneys, and appendices…as well as doing other internal surgery to the stomach and related areas.  

CNN makes sure that we have all our questions answered, even when the answer seems obvious.   They make it a point to quote a doctor saying, “Women have an advantage because the vagina provides a direct access into the body,” just in case we need that pointed out to us. 

The article continues:

“For men, there have been ideas about using the penis as a natural orifice, but that’s been dismissed because the point of entry is too small. 

“If you’re male, you’re going to have to go through the rectum,” said Dr. Sayeed Ikramuddin, director of gastrointestinal surgery at the University of Minnesota Medical School. That procedure hasn’t been done on humans because, it’s “dangerous because there’s a lot of bacteria that could be spilled. If you leak, it’s a disaster.”

Let’s reiterate: someone actually considered, however briefly, trying to pull an appendix or a gallbladder through a penis. You know, because we can do it through a vagina, so it must work the same way.

I wonder who decided doing surgery via the penis was a bad idea – the doctor who considered it, or the potential first patient saying “You want to do what…where?  HELL, no.” when told of the opportunity.