
Going Bald? Cover it up with a Head Tattoo!

You’ve tried Rogaine and all those other hair-growth products, but let’s face it – your head is still bald, bald, bald.  Bald as a ping-pong ball.

Maybe you have the monk look going, with an ever-expanding crown poking out of the middle of your skill.

Or maybe you shave your head everyday to keep the receeding hairline at bay, but you’ve decided that you just don’t have a good looking bald head.  Hey, it happens.

So what do you do?

10 Things

10 Things That Are Different Between Men’s and Women’s Brains

It’s true, it’s true!

Men really are from Mars and women are from Venus… when it comes to our brains, that is.


They are:


Want Good Grades? Try Breastfeeding…

Were you one of those kids who got good grades in school, or were you always picked last for the class spelling bee team?

Web Watch has found a new study from the Journal of Human Capital that did a comparison of students’ grades based on whether the student was breastfed or not.

The two professors, Joseph Sabia from the American University and University of Colorado Denver professor Daniel Rees, studied information from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health to DETERMINE THE EFFECTS THAT BREASTFEEDING AN INFANT HAS ON THEIR LATER SCHOOL CAREER.


Brazilian Bikini Waxing Can Kill You: An Update

A few months ago, Web Watch wrote about HOW A BRAZILIAN BIKINI WAX COULD KILL YOU.  

We thought that would be the end of the story. 

But no, the State of New Jersey and others had to pipe up with their own opinions… so of course, Web Watch felt the need to provide this DEADLY BRAZILIAN WAX update.

Gadgets shopping TV Video

A Product Ahead Of Its Time: The Comfort Wipe

Comfort WipeApparently, for hundreds of years we’ve been handling toilet paper the incorrect way – with our hands. This is something those folks in India and other countries that don’t have sewage systems that can handle paper have known for years.

But that’s okay, since there is a solution:  The COMFORT WIPE.

10 Things Video

10 Things You Don’t Know About… Orgasms

In February 2009, author Mary Roach gave a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) talk entitled 10 THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT ORGASMS.

You can watch her talk here (and Web Watch highly recommends watching it, if only for the amusing video clip used to demonstrate item #7), but for convenience sake, Web Watch has included Mary’s ten items after the break.


Video Fun: Sneezing in Slow Motion

Mr SneezeHere’s a nice video showcasing reasons why Howie Mandel’s fist-bump is probably a really, really good idea.

How To Websites

How to Treat a Hangover

Having a hangover sucks.

A hangover is your body’s way of getting back at you for you torturing it the night before.  Not everybody can pass out at three, wake up at ten, go out to eat and do it again as easily as others can.

Studies have shown that more than 75% of those who’ve drunk alcohol have had a hangover, 15% have one at least every other month, and 25% of college students suffer a hangover weekly.

But all is not lost, and if you follow some of these tips you should find yourself in better shape than you thought you would be after a hard night partying.