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Products to Help Check Yourself for Breast Cancer

breast cancer self exam aidNational Feel Your Boobies Week continues…

There are a few products on the market that can help you perform a monthly self-exam with more confidence and accuracy than if you didn’t use these products.

One common complaint from women performing a breast self-examination is that they don’t know what they’re feeling for.   The PLEXUS PINK BREAST CHEK KIT is a small sponge pad that feels like breast tissue.   Inside the sponge is a small slit that you can place different size pellets.

With the pellets inside, running your finger on the outside of the breast chek kit should give you an idea of what a lump or similar area would feel like in your own breast.  Sometimes, just knowing what you’re looking for is half the battle in early detection.


Hurray for Jeanne Sather: The Assertive Cancer Patient

Breast Cancer LifeHammer Escape ToolNational Feel Your Boobies Week continues…

If there’s one thing that a successful patient has in battling their own disease, it’s assertiveness.

No good ever comes from being passive and letting the disease – any disease – control you.

THE ASSERTIVE CANCER PATIENT is Jeanne Sather’s blog devoted to how she is beating her own cancer.


Oct 9th-16th is “National Feel Your Boobies Week”

Pink Ribbon Cookie CutterOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the week of October 9th-16th is NATIONAL FEEL YOUR BOOBIES WEEK.

And to encourage everybody to feel their boobs on a regular basis, everyone is urged to make their own boob-a-licious avatar graphic over at BOOBICON ME.


What’s The Highest Blood Alcohol Content YOU’VE Ever Had? Can You Beat .91%?

Blood Alcohol TesterEverybody should have access to a portable Blood Alcohol Tester when they go out to a bar or a party.

That way, you’ll know whether you can drive home, take a taxi/stay the night, or go straight to the hospital due to alcohol poisoning.

And since you really shouldn’t have a BAC higher than – oh, let’s say 0.08% – having yourself tested once in a while really isn’t a bad idea.  Remember, kids – a BAC of 0.4% or higher is really, really, really bad.

Here’s a list of 15 people who have had RECORD SETTING BLOOD ALCOHOL LEVELS where such a device probably would have helped them:

10 Things Gadgets shopping

The 10 Most Expensive iPhone Apps

The iPhone App Store is loaded with fun apps that are priced at a reasonable $0.99 or $1.99.

But what about those apps that are the priciest?  Here’s a list of THE TOP TEN MOST EXPENSIVE iPHONE APPS, and what they do:

  1. Interpath ($179.99).  Used by medical professionals to view pathology images
  2. Nursing Constellation Plus ($179.99). A nursing and medical reference guide.
  3. Rosie Home Automation ($199.99). Used to control home A/V and security systems.
  4. iDcrm ($199.99). A Dynamics CRM app.
  5. Lexi-Dental Complete ($299.99). A dental reference guide.
  6. Mobile Cam Viewer ($349.99).  Used to control live surveillance cameras.
  7. PDR Quote ($349.99). Software for auto repair businesses
  8. MATG – SAP BusinessOne ($449.99). Used to access SAP’s BusinessOne application

As for the other two on the list?  You’ll have to click the link to see those.   Before you do, take a guess as to what the top priced app is priced at.

food How To

How To Prevent Osteoporosis and Brittle Bones

If you are a woman suffering from brittle bones or osteoporosis, then science may have uncovered the best news you’ve ever heard:

“Drink beer”


Want To Look 13 Years Younger? Give Up Smoking.

Scientists in Italy have determined that WOMEN WHO STOP SMOKING CAN LOOK YOUNGER.

How much younger?  Try 13 years younger… and all in just nine months.


Ugly Babies and the Parents Who Love Them…or not

A new study published in the Public Library of Science by McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School entitled GENDER DIFFERENCES IN THE MOTIVATIONAL PROCESSING OF BABIES ARE DETERMINED BY THEIR FACIAL ATTRACTIVENESS concludes what all new mothers are afraid to hear:  that AN UGLY BABY IS HARDER TO LOVE.

The study set out to clarify an Israeli study that showed 70% of abused or abandoned children had some sort of visible flaw – but no other health or learning issues by determining “why”.