10 Things Music

The 20 Most Common Words in Song Lyrics

You can’t stop yourself from singing.  You may not be very good at it, but you typically know all the words to your favorite songs.

There’s a reason why, after all these years, you’re still able to recite the Preamble to the Constitution, thanks to Saturday Morning TV.  Take some words, put them to music, and voila! Instant memory!

Reading Lyrics: More Than 1,000 of the Century's Finest Lyrics--a Celebration of Our Greatest Songwriters, a Rediscovery of Forgotten Masters, and an Appreciation of an extraordinary, popular art form
Reading Lyrics: More Than 1,000 of the Century’s Finest Lyrics
a Celebration of Our Greatest Songwriters, a Rediscovery of Forgotten Masters,
and an Appreciation of an extraordinary, popular art form


Another sign that streaming music royalty payments stink

It almost doesn’t pay to be a musician these days.

We’ll take that back and rephrase:  it LITERALLY doesn’t pay to be a musician these days.  And yes, we are using the word “literally” correctly in that sentence..

With more and more businesses deciding to hop onto the STREAMING MUSIC bandwagon, one would think that the greater exposure would result in greater earnings for the musicians and songwriters who are getting their music spread far and wide.

Music Publishing: The Roadmap to Royalties
Music Publishing: The Roadmap to Royalties

10 Things Music Websites

Who are the Most Sampled Recording Artists of All Time?

It’s been said that there will reach a point in time where every single piece of recorded music has been written.  There are only so many combinations of notes on a musical scale that can be made.

So that’s where the ability to make variations on a theme come into play.  Combining two different songs to make a completely new one.  Sampling music in order to add your own voice, style to something that already exists.

Start Your Music Business: How to Earn Royalties, Own Your Music, Sample Music, Protect Your Name & Structure Your Music Business
Start Your Music Business:
How to Earn Royalties, Own Your Music,
Sample Music, Protect Your Name & Structure Your Music Business

Internet Music Websites

20% of Spotify will never be heard

Spotify is just over five years old, and has over 20 million songs in its library.

That’s how Spotify can provide you a constant stream of music that’s geared to your listening tastes.

Spotify for Dummies
Spotify for Dummies


The real reason why Santa’s reindeer stink

Everyone knows the song RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER.

But have you taken a really good listen to what the song’s actually about?  It’s very telling — not about Rudolph, but a better description of what the OTHER reindeer are actually like.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Stuffed
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Stuffed

How To Music

How not to do a mixtape

Everyone prides themselves on being awesome at music selection.

At least, that’s what everyone’s iTunes mix tells us.  You go to one their parties, they put their iPod on “shuffle”, and for every one awesome song you have to sludge through two or three obscure tracks that are buried deep in their music catalog.

Love Is a Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time
Love Is a Mix Tape:
Life and Loss, One Song at a Time

How To shopping Websites

Be a celebrity for a day

Have you ever wanted to LIVE THE LIFE OF A CELEBRITY?

Wanted to do the things that celebrities do? Go to where celebrities go? Hang out with your favorite famous people, maybe exchange cell phone numbers?

Well, it’s all possible — for a price.

Celebrity Confessions: What Hollywood's Rich and Famous Say About Sex, Money and Success
Celebrity Confessions: What Hollywood’s Rich and Famous Say About Sex, Money and Success

food Music

Proof that music can make you drunk

There’s nothing better on a cool weekend evening than firing up some tunes and sitting out on the deck with some good friends and having a drink or two.

There’s a reason that people take great pride in their music atmosphere — it’s because a party without music is a bit of a downer.  Music really does help people have a good time.

Wine How Classy People Get Wasted Drinking Distressed Retro Vintage Tin Sign
Wine: How Classy People Get Wasted