Gadgets shopping Websites

Perfect for Halloween – get a mask of your own face

Chimpanzee Alive - Animatronic Robot MonkeyChimpanzee Alive – Animatronic Monkey Robot

Who wouldn’t want to walk into a room full of people all wearing your own face as their Halloween costume?

Or, you could creep people out by “going as yourself” for Halloween, and still fulfilling the requirement of actually wearing a Halloween mask instead of just being a fun-sucker by not participating in the festivities.

How To

Women who wear makeup are more successful at business

The Art of Makeup
The Art of Makeup

Are you trying to climb the corporate ladder, and wondering why that ladder doesn’t go as high as you think it should?

Well, it ends up that people’s perceptions of a woman’s competence can be directly tied to the makeup that the woman is wearing. 

Games Music Websites

Coversmart: The Album Cover Art Quiz

The Art of the Album Cover
The Art of the Album Cover

How well do you know your album covers?

Maybe not as well as you thought, especially if key components of said cover have been Photoshopped out, just like we’ve seen with the INVISIBLES game a few years ago – you remember that one, where people were digitally erased out of movie scenes and you had to guess what the film was?

How To Internet

Be more productive instantly: stop filing your email into folders

Overload! How Too Much Information is Hazardous to your Organization
Overload! How Too Much Information is Hazardous to your Organization

On any given day, Web Watch receives between 500-1000 work-related emails.    And we’re not even counting those emails that are routed directly into spam or junk folders.

While that may sound like a lot of email, the vast majority of those messages are informational – things that Web Watch needs to know about, but not anything that we need to actually do anything about. 

So we file those away into various folders for future reference if needed, leaving our Inbox mostly clear for those important messages that we actually need to read and take some action on.

But a recent study by IBM has found that maybe Google (and therefore, Google’s approach of how GMail is structured) may be the right way to do things all along.

Book Movies TV

Spoiler Alert! Spoilers are GOOD for you! (Psst: Vader is Luke’s Father)

Spoiler Alert: Bruce Willis Is Dead and 399 More Endings from Movies, TV, Books, and Life
Spoiler Alert: Bruce Willis Is Dead and
399 More Endings from Movies, TV, Books, and Life

Rosebud is a sled.

It was Earth all along.

Soylent Green is people.

Snape kills Dumbledore.

No longer is it safe to save a favorite movie, book, or TV show for later enjoyment if you want to avoid having the ending spoiled.  Web Watch has mentioned before that we were successfully able to avoid hearing about the ending of THE SIXTH SENSE until we finally saw the film ourselves on DVD.  Yes, we knew there was some general plot twist, but we always were able to avoid any in-depth conversation about it until many months after the film had been released.

And that was before Twitter and the #spoiler or #spoileralert hashtags came into play.  We’ve gotten into online battles with friends who are active on various social media sites who have become angry about conversations on shows that they haven’t seen yet, but were pissed that they just happened to come across someone else’s comment.

Dude, if you don’t want to know what happened, then stay the hell off of Twitter.  How the hell are WE supposed to know what you have or haven’t seen yet?


Want a hit song? Then you might as well sing about sex

Let's Talk About Sex
Let’s Talk About Sex

If you want to be a songwriter, they say that you should write about what you know.

And if you want to be a successful songwriter, it ends up that you should WRITE SONGS ABOUT SEX.


Are you an unmarried couple that’s living together? Your kids hate you.

WHY MARRIAGE MATTERS: THIRTY CONCLUSIONS FROM THE SOCIAL SCIENCES from the Center for Marriage and Families at the Institute for American Values and the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia was recently released.

And if you are a couple with children that happen to be unmarried (“living in sin” is what our parents called it, back when “sin” was a bit more inflammatory than it is today), then you have set your children up on an unhealthy spiral as they grow older.

Some of the results from the study include:

Funny Games Music TV

Video Fun: Sing If You Can

Karaoke Revolution
Karaoke Revolution

Karaoke can be a fun.

Karaoke can be even more fun when it’s made into a game.

KARAOKE REVOLUTION was just the start, but there’s no danger in singing with friends in your living room.

Then came DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS and THE SINGING BEE (both regular and country versions), and KARAOKE BATTLE USA.  Sure, those games were fun… but again, where was the danger?  The risk?