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The Roommate from Hell

Web Watch agrees that this type of thing can happen to anyone. 

Everybody has some odd roommate story that they can share.  We went through 6 months of one roommate never doing their own laundry.


Yeah, it’s true.  Many years back, we shared an apartment with two guys… and one of them, apparently, didn’t have any socks of his own.  He would “borrow” socks from Web Watch (we shudder to think if he was “borrowing” underpants from our other roommate), and then toss the dirtys into the appropriate hamper for the unsuspecting soul to wash on laundry day.

For a while, Web Watch could never understand why we were always running out of clean socks ahead of where we thought we would be in the laundry cycle.   Sure, we figured it out – but by then, it was too late.  A use pattern had set in.

Luckily, we were able to kick him out – and laundry returned to normal levels.


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25 Ways to Tell that You’re Living in a Bubble

The other day, Web Watch was talking with an Internet-savvy friend of ours about the cool stuff we see online, and they surprised us by not knowing anything about the latest smartphone gaming craze, DRAW SOMETHING.

Seriously?  The game has been out for over 2 months now, been all over the news.  And while we haven’t explicitly mentioned it here, we figured that many of our faithful Web Watch readers had already installed it over their copy of Angry Birds.

What it really showed us was that our friend was living in their own little bubble world that they had created, to isolate themselves from the ‘net fluffernutter so they could concentrate on the really good stuff.

You know, kinda like what we do here every day at Web Watch.

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Ten Ways to Love Your Job

If there’s one thing Web Watch knows, it’s that we LOVE what we do.

Always have, for the most part.  Our philosophy is that you’re going to spend more time at work and with the people you work with than you will with your own friends and family.

And if you don’t enjoy doing what you’ve signed up for, then you’re just going to be miserable.



And you’ll probably end up not being very good at your career in the end because of it.  Trust us, it’s better to do something you love doing, because being unhappy because of work drudgery isn’t anyway to go through life.  THAT is something that you can directly control and change.


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Red Flag Alert! How to tell when you’re dating a loser

Web Watch has spent enough time out at bars and restaurants to recognize when a date seen across the room is heading in the wrong direction.

It could be a subtle sign, like a couple sitting at the table not talking to each other or engrossed in their cellphones instead of each other — or it could be something a bit more blatant, such as a heated discussion that slowly escalates to the point where the whole room is involved in some manner.

Heck, even when if comes to married life, we know plenty of couples who should have seen the writing on the wall well before the divorce papers were a conversation topic… if only they had asked us for our honest opinion of where we thought their relationship was heading.

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The 5 Grossest Foods You’re Eating RIGHT NOW

Web Watch isn’t the best to tell you what you should or shouldn’t be eating, most likely because we would never listen to a thing we say about this (“do as we say, not as we do” doesn’t apply to us, it seems).

But our good friends over at EAT THIS, NOT THAT have come up with a list of the FIVE GROSSEST THINGS YOU’RE EATING that will probably make you think again about the crap that you’re putting into your body every day.


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How does the average American spend their paycheck?

Web Watch remembers the old adage when we were just starting out to be able to sustain ourselves on our own.

“When you make your budget, you should always devote 1/3 to housing, 1/3 to transportation, and 1/3 for everything else.”

Now, we may not have been able to follow that breakdown exactly, but it’s not necessarily that far from the truth of how AMERICANS ACTUALLY SPEND THEIR PAYCHECK.  Especially if you take into account the need for saving some money for retirement or a rainy day, that ratio may be better split into quarters:

“devote 1/4 to housing, 1/4 to transportation, 1/4 put away in the bank/IRA/investments, 1/4 for everything else”

That seems to be closer to the truth.  Let’s take a look at how the average 48-year-old spends their average $63,091 annual salary (before taxes):