
Scientists can now see what you are dreaming

Everybody dreams while sleeping.

The key is whether you can remember what you’ve dreamt or not.  Some dreams are awesome, some are nightmarish – but all reflect some aspect of the subconscious (whether buried deep or not).

And, if you’re like most people, you may find yourself wishing that you could revisit your dream state to finish out the story that was being unraveled while you slept.

10 Things How To

The Magician’s Code of Ethics

The number one rule in magic is “never give away your secrets, never tell them how it’s done.”

While Penn & Teller may disagree with the premise (seeing how they’ve built their entire career off of revealing their own and other magicians’ secrets in their act), the concept is still valid.  Half the fun of seeing a high-quality magic act is the suspension of disbelief that the audience can have for those two hours.

Standing on a pole in the middle of a park isn’t “magic” in the traditional sense. There is no hidden trick, no amount of misdirection can alleviate the amount of effort it can take to stand still for hours on end… with or without a supportive device to lean on at times.  Not saying that David Blaine used something like that — but Web Watch would if we were forced into doing that type of stunt ourselves.

food How To

What would you do for a free meal? (A challenge awaits…)

Ever since Robert Heinlein popularized the phrase TANSTAAFL (There Ain’t No Such Thing as a Free Lunch) in his popular sci-fi novel The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, people everywhere have been trying to prove otherwise.

Especially in today’s litigious world, with McDonald’s hot coffee lawsuits and empowered/privilege-seeking children who demand a blue ribbon just for showing up at school that day – folks need to learn that eventually karma can come back to bite you.

You may be getting a free meal now, but at what future cost?

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Who is that hot ad girl?

So you know how you’re sitting around, watching TV, and you see a commercial come on that has that really hot chick in it?

Doesn’t it make you wonder, sometimes, just who the hell that girl is?


The number one reason why teenagers should never date

We were all teenagers once.

And come Springtime, they say, is when a young heart turns to finding love.   Well, maybe not “love” per se, but how about “strong like”?

Being a teenager is a tough time with lots of challenges due to the lack of experience that being in ones’ twenties gives you the proper perspective on.  Adults may not always have all the answers, but they’ve lived through the same struggles that teenagers are going through today – if only the teens in their lives would think to ask for that advice.

10 Things How To

6 Government Agencies to Avoid Working For

Some say that the ideal job is one with the government. Not a lot of oversight, great (or at least reasonable) benefits, retirement is taken care of, relatively stress-free, etc.

In other words, once you have a job with the government, you’re pretty much set.

But there can be a downside to working for the Fed.