How To

Women who wear makeup are more successful at business

The Art of Makeup
The Art of Makeup

Are you trying to climb the corporate ladder, and wondering why that ladder doesn’t go as high as you think it should?

Well, it ends up that people’s perceptions of a woman’s competence can be directly tied to the makeup that the woman is wearing. 

10 Things Funny

23 actual job interview questions you never want to answer

The 250 Job Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked
The 250 Job Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

We’ve all had interesting job interviews.

Web Watch recalls one where the entire interview has done over drinks in a smoky bar after hours.  While the interview was a serious affair, the atmosphere detracted enough from the offered position that we ended up turning the job down.  If they’re not willing to take their company and interview process seriously, why should we take their job offer seriously? 

But sometimes there are some interview questions that just are a little… off.  They certainly are within the realm of reason to be answered, but they may not be the types of questions that you want to deal with. 

So let’s take a look at some actual JOB INTERVIEW QUESTIONS THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE ASKED, ever.

10 Things

The Best Companies to work for? How about “Where do YOU want to work most?”

The 100 Best Companies to Work for in America
The 100 Best Companies to Work for in America

We’ve all seen those lists of the TOP COMPANIES TO WORK FOR, based on survey results that cover all sorts of topics like their work-from-home/telecommuting policies, time off, healthcare benefits, and other aspect – both tangible and not so much.

But a list of the TOP COMPANIES TO WORK FOR will only go so far – because the majority of those lists are usually family-friendly, local organizations that know how to cater towards their employees.

And there’s nothing wrong with that.  If you are one of the lucky people working for one of those organizations, then good for you.  You’re already there.

News Science

First born? Only child? Your parent’s decisions effect your future job and salary options

Birth Order Book, The: Why You Are the Way You Are
Birth Order Book, The: Why You Are the Way You Are

“Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!” said Jan, lamenting the fact – again – that she’s the ignored middle child on The Brady Bunch.

So while it was played for laughs, maybe she did know a little bit about what her future held.  And it’s not pretty.


Just because you telecommute doesn’t mean you’re actually doing any work

Adult Footy Pajamas
Adult Footy Pajamas

Web Watch knows quite a few people who either telecommute or work from home on a regular basis.

We even have a running joke amongst our friends about those “work from home” folks’ real job is that of refilling printer cartridges.  After all, if you work from home, you must not be doing any “real” work compared to those people who have to go to an office or other work location to do their job.

Apparently, you actually have to leave your house for your job to mean anything.  You can’t have surgery done over the phone, can you?

10 Things

The 10 jobs that people hate the most, and 10 jobs that people absolutely love doing

The Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers
The Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers

With the economy and unemployment rates as they’ve been these past few years, it’s refreshing to see that there are people out in the workforce who ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEIR JOBS

Either they couldn’t imagine doing anything else, or they get so much job satisfaction out of the work, the business, or the clients that they wake up every morning with a smile on their face, eager to get to that day’s next opportunity.  To them, work is not drudgery — and it’s not “work” if it’s something you enjoy doing.

10 Things How To

Top Ten Jobs that the Recession hasn’t hit yet

Recession-proof careers
The Idiots Guide to Recession-proof Careers

Just like everyone else, Web Watch knows lots of people who have been affected by this recession. Some of those have been out of work for over three years now, and their career prospects are not looking up.

It’s not their fault necessarily, it could just be that the career path they chose may not be the best ones to make it through a recession in the long haul.  Maybe it’s time to switch careers.

But if you do decide to make a switch, what should you switch to?  Well, here’s a list of 10 RECESSION-PROOF JOBS that you may want to consider:

10 Things How To

What to wear to a job interview (and some things not to wear)

Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview?: A Crash Course in Finding, Landing, and Keeping Your First Real Job
Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview?:
A Crash Course in Finding, Landing, and Keeping Your First Real Job

Not everyone knows what to wear to a job interview.

Yeah, the traditional suit should still work, but in today’s wacky world of “business casual” or “jeans Fridays”, the potential job seeker sometimes chooses the wrong outfits to appear at the potential future office with.

The good interviewer will share what the usual “around the office” dress code is, but that doesn’t mean that the applicant should show up in the same type of clothes in order to fit in. You don’t have the job yet, Bucko, so leave the flip-flops at home.  Flip-flops don’t belong in the office anyway.

So what should the applicant wear?  Well, you can never go wrong with a suit — unless you know ahead of time that the office is a bit more casual, in which case go with some nice slacks and dress shirt (but lose the tie).