
Today’s Fun Fact: 20% of parents regret what they named their children

The Baby Name Book - 100,000 Baby Names
The Baby Name Book – 100,000 Baby Names

Science has proven that what you name your child really can affect them as they grow up.

A study of 3000 parents suggests that 20% OF PARENTS REGRET WHAT THEY NAMED THEIR CHILDREN.


At what age should “Family Naked Time” end?

Family Guy Naked Glasses
Family Guy Naked Glasses

Web Watch was eating dinner at a friend’s house the other day when Mom asked her 21-month-old daughter if she wanted to have NAKED TIME and run around the house. 

To those unfamiliar with the concept, “Naked Time” is not so much a way to encourage children to run around the house nekkid as it is to give a regularly-diapered butt some time to air out a little to help prevent diaper rash.

Funny Websites

Today’s Fun Sites: Crap Our Kids Made vs Crap Our Kids Ruined

Harold and the Purple Crayon
Harold and the Purple Crayon

If you have kids (or have friends that do), chances are that you have seen first-hand both the destruction that kids can do to practically anything of value in the home, as well as the “art” that the parents feel they need to hang on their office wall to share with their co-workers.

So today, Web Watch takes a look at these two sides of the child-rearing coin: 

10 Things Disney Movies

The 26 Most Disturbing Kids Movies Ever Made

Disturbing Movies

Growing up, we all remember being taken to see certain movies with our parents and wondering why they thought that seeing these films would be a good idea.

Web Watch faintly remembers being taken to see a double-feature of THE THREE MUSKETEERS with UPTOWN SATURDAY NIGHT, and recalls that we really couldn’t follow the plots of either film, let alone understand why we were taken to see them. 

But when it comes to kid’s films, Walt Disney once famously said “for every laugh, a tear must fall”, which explains why many Disney films made back in the day contain some vivid, scary imagery or themes that may be a bit heavy for what today are considered to have been – truthfully or not – primarily children’s films.  There’s a reason why the attraction at Walt Disney World is entitled SNOW WHITE’S SCARY ADVENTURES… because that Evil Queen reallydoes live up to her name.


Should there be a ban on smoking in cars when children are passengers?

No Smoking Car Freshener
No Smoking Car Freshener

Doctors in England have released a report where they are calling for a BOYCOTT OF SMOKING IN CARS BY PARENTS WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT.

The Royal College of Physicians are claiming that over 22,000 cases of asthma and wheezing in children are being caused by exposure to secondhand smoke, resulting in 9,500 hospital admissions.

The study also shows that one-in-five infants that die from SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is caused by secondhand smoke – about 40 infants per year.

News shopping Websites

Meet Trent. To some, Trent is a savior. (You might not want to shake his hand, though)

Buying Dad - One Woman's Search for the Perfect Donor


Although, perhaps “professional” is not the correct word to use, as Trent Arsenault gives his sperm away for free to any interested party.

He claims at least 10 successful pregnancies, and suggests that those interested in his services use the “local pickup” option, although FedEx is available if necessary.


Q: How many different chemicals do women put on their face every day? A: 515

Barbie Make-Up


A UK company, Bionsen, determined that the average woman puts 515 different chemicals on her face every day, using a combination of makeup, perfumes, mascara, and other products.

The average woman uses 13 different products daily, and each product contains at least 20 different ingredients — lipsticks and other makeup average 30 ingredients, and some perfumes can have as many as 400 different ingredients.

It gets scarier from there.  You pay attention to the labels on food you eat, but have you paid attention to the ingredient list on your personal grooming products… if those products even contain ingredient lists in the first place?

10 Things News

A Russian woman gave birth to 69(!) children… and other surprising statistics

Sex in AmericaA Russian woman set the record for having birthed the most children in her 27 pregnancies: 69.  The brood included sixteen pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets.

And that’s just the first of 10 SURPRISING SEXUAL STATISTICS that LiveScience has tracked down for those of us at Web Watch.  The other nine include these gems: