10 Things Disney Internet News

Moms are online over 20 hours a week. Doing what?

Cooking Mama
Cooking Mama

According to a study released from Disney Online, MOMs SPEND 24 HOURS A WEEK ONLINE.

The study, entitled M.O.M. – Moms On A Mission, was focused on showing how much today’s parents relied on using the Internet and other electronics to make parenting easier.

According to the study, Moms use the following technology most often:


Doctors agree – Parents are letting their kids watch way too much TV

I'm not a babysitter but I play one on TV
I’m not a babysitter but I play one on TV

Pediatricians have studied almost 9,000 preschoolers and have determined that 2/3 OF US PRESCHOOLERS ARE WATCHING MORE THAN 2 HOURS OF TV A DAY, which is higher than what the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends

10 Things News

Why your 2-year-old is cussing you out, and the 10 most frequently used curse words

Polly the Cursing Parrot
Polly the Cursing Parrot

Web Watch is always careful when we visit with our friends who have small children to watch our language.  After all, it’s common courtesy to not recite George Carlin’s list of Dirty Words in front of those who are too young to appreciate the nuance of language, or who may be offended overall by hearing words in polite company that would be later yelled out the car window at the a-hole who just cut you off in traffic.

But it may end up that Web Watch has been overly cautious.  While we don’t want to be the ones who introduces foul language to our friends’ children, it may be that the deed has already been done long before we showed up for the pot-luck.



Processed food is not the only reason girls are entering puberty at younger ages

Early Puberty in Girls: The Essential Guide to Coping with This Common Problem
Early Puberty in Girls: The Essential Guide to Coping with This Common Problem

The news has been filled with all sorts of reasons and explanations for why young girls are entering puberty at younger and younger ages these days.

CNN reported that “Early development in girls has been linked with poor self-esteem, eating disorders, and depression, as well as cigarette and alcohol use and earlier sexual activity,” with other news reports stating that girls are entering puberty before they reach the ages of 9 or 10.  Sometimes, puberty can be triggered from an injury or a brain tumor that kickstarts the body’s processing.

Gadgets News

September 17th is “Seventeen Two-Second Turnoff Day”

Turn off Cell Phone
Turn Off Your Cell Phone

Driving while texting is being banned in more and more states, and rightfully so.  It’s hard enough for Web Watch to walk down the street with every passer-by so engrossed in their Blackberries or iPhones that they’re not paying attention where they’re going – we know how bad it could be with those same people behind the wheel of a car.

Driving has enough distractions as it is, especially for teenagers or other inexperienced drivers.  That’s why SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE and AAA have TEAMED UP for the SEVENTEEN TWO-SECOND TURN OFF DAY on September 17th.

All they want you and your teenagers to do is to take two seconds before you start your car, and turn off your cell phone.  That’s it.  One less distraction for you as you weave in-and-out of traffic on your way to work, school, or fun.

Don’t think it’s necessary?  Let’s take a look at some statistics about how badly distracted teenage drivers are, taken from a poll of over 2000 male and female drivers, age 16-19:

Disney food How To News shopping Websites

One family’s quest to go one year without Disney

Mousetrapped: a Year and a Bit in Orlando
Mousetrapped: A Year and a Bit in Orlando

Web Watch has to admire people like Lisa Ray.

Lisa has strong convictions and a big stick-to-it attitude that isn’t often seen elsewhere.  She really does mean what she says, and says what she means.  Good for her.

Lisa, the founder of PARENTS FOR ETHICAL MARKETING, was upset at how the Disney corporation handled a refund request for the Baby Einstein line of early-learning DVDs.  Her reaction to those events (already documented elsewhere) led her to comment to her family, “I wish we could boycott Disney. But I don’t think we can. They’re too big.”

This got her 12-year-old daughter thinking, and she suggested that maybe they could go a year without Disney.

Lisa liked this idea so much, she decided that was exactly what she and her family were going to do: go A YEAR WITHOUT DISNEY.

How To Websites

How to potty train a 6-month-old? Just say “pss-wss-wss” and you’ll be diaper-free in no time!

Potty like a Rock Star bag
Potty like a Rock Star bag

Web Watch has heard horror stories from our parent friends about the difficult times they have toilet training their children.  One couple is still doing the diaper thing with their four-year-old, continuing to take the stance of “when they’re ready to use the potty, they will” rather than trying to force a child to do something that they’re not willing to do on their own.

Hey parents – here’s a hint for you: maybe they are ready, but they really like the attention that they get by you continuing to wipe and diaper them every few hours.  We’ll hazard a guess that once you stop pampering your child with luv (puns intended), then maybe they’ll start taking care of their business on their own.

But let’s harken back a few years ago to a New York Times article entitled A FAST TRACK TO TOILET TRAINING.  The article talks about how parents are trying to get their children to use the potty earlier in life – most often around 6 months old, but with one interviewee claiming that her child was using the potty at 10 weeks old.


Hear that biological clock ticking? It’s your body telling you to have more sex.

Rewinding your Biological Clock - Motherhood Late in Life
Rewinding your Biological Clock – Motherhood Late in Life

A study from the University of Texas at Austin has come out that says WOMEN ARE MORE LIKELY TO HAVE SEX AS THEY GET OLDER.  

More specifically, as the women feel like they are reaching the end of their reproductive life cycle, they’re more willing to have baby-making sex in order to fulfill maternal needs.