Disney Movies Music Video

Video Fun: Disney and Pixar Movies remixed into Pop Music

Innovate the Pixar Way: Business Lessons from the World's Most Creative Corporate Playground
Innovate the Pixar Way:
Business Lessons from the World’s Most Creative Corporate Playground

Web Watch is always amazed at the creativity that the Internet has sparked.

Maybe that creativity and innovation has always been there, but the Internet has certainly made finding these things more exciting and accessible to all.

So when we stumbled upon this remix of audio clips from the FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR, we thought that we’d take a look to see what else POGOMIX has done.

And that’s when we discovered this treasure trove of audio remixes from various DISNEY and PIXAR films.   Watch below, and enjoy…

Funny Gadgets Movies Music Video

Video Fun: Did you know that the James Bond theme song had lyrics? Now you do!

Shaken & Stirred: The Feminism of James Bond
Shaken & Stirred: The Feminism of James Bond

Did you know that the theme song to James Bond had lyrics?

Check out this lyric-filled tribute to our favorite 007 Super Spy:


66% of employees surveyed will respond to email while on vacation


66% of people surveyed said that they will respond to emails and text messages from work while on vacation.

Combine that with the 83% of diehard workaholics that say they check business email after-hours after they’ve left the office, and the 29% who still attend online meetings and/or conference calls while taking a day or two off, and what you have is a bunch of people who just can’t learn how to relax.   Heck, Web Watch is guilty of this ourselves, having done everything from creating Powerpoint presentations while sitting in a Las Vegas casino hotel lobby to hosting a conference call while on the Mad Tea Party teacups at Walt Disney World. 

We’re not proud of the latter, but one does what one has to do.

Not everybody can be “on” all the time; everyone is entitled to having some sort of downtime… and if your office can’t survive for an evening without your prying eyes micromanaging everything, then maybe you’re working for the wrong company.

10 Things Websites

The 100 Most Mispronounced Words in the English Language

Mastering the American Accent
Mastering the American Accent

The other day, Web Watch was chatting with a friend when she said that she “often” does stuff.

But she didn’t say “off-en”, she said “off-ten”.  In other words, she pronounced the “T” in “often”.

It’s understandable.  It’s a common mistake.  It’s certainly wrong, but she didn’t know.  She always that that she was pronouncing it perfectly.  Now she’s totally embarassed, wondering what else she had been saying that she has been pronouncing wrong all these years.

How To Internet Video

Is that YouTube video legal? Check out the YouTube Copyright School to learn more

Harry Potter and the Order of the Court: The J.K. Rowling Copyright Case and the Question of Fair Use
Harry Potter and the Order of the Court:
The J.K. Rowling Copyright Case and the Question of Fair Use

Copyright is an important aspect of online life today, and not very many people understand it.

“The Internet is FREE”, they claim.  “Everything on the Internet is free for the taking!”

No, not so much.  Rule number one of Internet legalities:  Just because someone posted it on the Internet doesn’t mean that there is no copyright or that the material is free to be shared/taken. 

Fact is, the very act of writing something yourself gives you an automatic copyright to that material that YOU created.  Let’s emphasize that YOU created portion again.  It has to be original work from YOU for you to claim the copyright – and even then, you can only claim the copyright on the portion that YOU edited.

Even large mass-edited projects like Wikipedia have a copyright… but Wikipedia explicitly says that the individual Wikipedia editors can’t claim copyright on the text that is contributed directly to Wikipedia articles — just adding the text to Wikipedia grants Wikipedia a licence to make that text available for public use.  (Content that is already copyrighted outside of Wikipedia and still contributed by the original author falls under a different set of copyright guidelines — be sure to read that WP article for all the copyright details that may pertain to you.)

10 Things

List of 2012 Top Business Franchises

The Educated Franchisee: The How-To Book for Choosing a Winning Franchise
The Educated Franchisee:
The How-To Book for Choosing a Winning Franchise

Are you looking for a business to invest in, perhaps becoming an owner-operator of your own established chain of [whatever]?

If so, then you probably already subscribe to Entrepreneur magazine. In their most recent issue, they’ve published their list of the TOP FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITIES FOR 2012.

Gadgets Internet Websites

How much bandwidth does your cell service provider give you?

Will Work for Bandwidth
Will Work for Bandwidth

Do you know how much bandwidth your cell phone provider gives you on your mobile phone contract?

We know – why does it matter how much our providers charge us for bandwidth?  The Internet is free, right?

Yeah… not so much.

Games How To

Sudoku so hard, it took one team a giant computer and an entire year to solve a single puzzle

Will Shortz Presents Simply Sinister Sudoku: 200 Hard Puzzles
Will Shortz Presents Simply Sinister Sudoku: 200 Hard Puzzles

If you enjoy working on Sudoku puzzles as much as Web Watch does, then this may be of interest to you.

First, let’s talk a little bit about what Sudoku is, for those Web Watch readers who may have been living under a rock for the past 10 years:

Sudoku is a puzzle that is rumored to have been created by a puzzle creator living in Indiana, seemingly around 1979.  In 1984, it was published in a Japanese newspaper… and the rest, they say, is history.  The puzzle typically is a 9×9 square, and the object is to put the numbers 1-9 into the boxes so each row, column and 3×3 sub-block contains all the 1-9 digits.

In other words, it’s a game that’s absolutely perfect of playing on an iPad or phone.