10 Things News shopping

Just like your underwear, sales are creeping up

Web Watch has previously covered news regarding how one can tell that the economy is picking up based on the increase in underwear sales.

But isn’t it time to take a look at exactly what type of worldwide retail trends we should be looking at when it comes to our underwear purchases?

Gambling How To Websites

How to win by buying Scratch-off Lottery Tickets

We’ve all done this.

We’re running late to a birthday party, and we don’t know what to get.  Or we’ve forgotten a Christmas gift for the company White Elephant gift exchange.

Or you’re just feeling a little impish and decide to spend a few dollars on something fun – just in case.

What do you do?  You find yourself in line at the local convenience store buying $10 worth of scratch-off lottery tickets.

But how do you decide which ones to buy?  They’re all the same, right?

No, not really.

Only some of them are more likely to pay off in the giant jackpot that you’ve been dreaming of.

And Web Watch is here to tell you The Secret to Winning the Lottery using Scratch-Off tickets…. and all it takes is a little bit of smarts.

10 Things How To

Three traits new college graduates must have to get a job

If you’re a recent college graduate (or about to be one), here’s something that you should know:

It’s a jungle out there, and getting a job right out of college is not as much of a guarantee as it used to be.

When hiring managers are combing through stacks and stacks of resumes looking for the ideal candidate to fill an open position, it often comes down to just a few things that can separate the You’re Hired pile from the Don’t Bother pile.

Funny TV Websites

Who is Jeff Probst’s Biggest Fan?

There are fans of the TV show SURVIVOR – like Web Watch and others we know, who enjoy the adventure and gameplay that Jeff Probst and Mark Burnett bring to our television screens each week (along with the hysterical ignorance of every contestant to Jeff’s constant advice to always be looking towards the end-game in determining how to best strategize your way to a $1 million dollar grand prize).

And there are Super Fans, folks who study every aspect of the show – who train themselves on show trivia and gaming techniques in the hopes that they too will be picked by the shows’ casting directors and added to the list of hundreds of Survivor contestants who have pushed themselves to the limits (both mental and physical) to claim the title of Ultimate Survivor.

How To Movies Websites

The ultimate viewing order for Star Wars films

Web Watch does enjoy the movies, and our friends take great pride in being able to unironically throw out movie quotes or other references when the moment requires it.

One oft-debated topic between us is what to do with today’s kids when it comes to introducing them to one of the most acclaimed and iconic film series of our generation, STAR WARS.

By now, Web Watch hopes that our readers are aware that Star Wars consists of six films – the first trilogy that was released being the 4th, 5th, and 6th films in the series; and the second trilogy consisting of the introductory 1st, 2nd, and 3rd films.

Weird, we know – but to Star Wars fans, everything made sense at the time.

And yes, we’re purposefully leaving out all the novels from the Star Wars universe that really mucked up the master plotline (Web Watch is looking at you, Alan Dean Foster, for jumping the gun on dysfunctional family relationships within the Vadar family in Splinter of the Mind’s Eye).

A friend of ours was concerned about raising his son correctly by not revealing any key plot points in the 5th and 6th films that would minimize the enjoyment of watching the films anew with his son.  The element of surprise is so important, you know.   He was really concerned about kids at the playground spilling the beans as well.   Yes, our friend does seem to be trying to raise a sheltered child in this regard, but he means well – so don’t judge. 

But since the first three films also delve into that critically important plot device, our friend was torn as to what to do regarding how to introduce his son to the Star Wars universe.


10 Things food TV

Top 10 Most Successful Celebrity Chefs

Celebrity Chefs are a unique entity, unlike any other profession.  

Where fans can watch a professional sports event (football, golf, tennis), we know that we can never be as good as they are in their particular field of play.  We’ll play those sports for fun, with the full realization that we would never be able to do anything even close to what those folks are able to pull off on a regular basis.

But celebrity chefs?  They’re just cooking.  We can cook, too.

It doesn’t take that much skill to grill a steak to perfection – Web Watch does this all the time, and our steaks come out absolutely fantastic.

Restaurant-quality, if we do say so ourselves.

Granted, we need to pay a little more for some higher-quality ingredients on occasion to really pull off some incredible meals, but that’s a choice that we consciously make.  In any case, the average home cook does have the exact same tools available to them as the Celebrity Chef does, so in some ways it really is an even playing field here.

Disney Funny Video

Video Fun: Apparently, you CAN get arrested at Disneyland. Peppersprayed, too

Disneyland and Walt Disney World are often referred to as the “Happiest Places on Earth”.

And for good reason.

But there is an underbelly that seldom sees the light of day.  And it proves that even with the fantasy worlds that Walt built, sometimes people crack a bit under the pressure to always have a good time and escape.

Perhaps there’s a reason that alcohol is hard to find at the Magic Kingdom (unless, of course, you know where to look).

Let’s take a look at how Disney’s professional security teams deal with unruly, and occasionally violent, guests: