How To

What’s the perfect age gap while dating?

What’s the age difference between you and your current partner?

Are you one who likes your spouse to be a little bit older than you are, or perhaps a little younger?

Times have past since our parents’ generation, where it was not unusual to marry your high school sweetheart, someone who you graduated with in the same class.  Or even those times when your soulmate was just one year ahead or behind you.

food How To Internet

Today’s obligatory PI DAY posting

Presenting, today’s obligatory PI DAY posting.


Today is March 14th, or 3.14 (“pi”, if you haven’t already figured this out).

Catch up on all your PI DAY-related posts here on Web Watch:

How To

It’s the latest trend in preschool: the group potty party!

Web Watch was chatting with one of our friends the other day about troubles he was having with his 2-year-old in daycare.

And it wasn’t so much that the 2-year-old was causing trouble or that the daycare the child was in wasn’t doing their job — it was more an issue with one specific activity that this particular daycare thought was an important part of a young child’s education.

Movies Websites

Porn Actresses Without Makeup

They say that women look best when they just awake in the morning, all tussled and rubbing that sleepy eye crud off their faces.

But fantasy women? That’s a different story.

How To Video

Is urine flammable? (Some say, “yes”)

Web Watch has talked about things that urine can be useful for in the past, such as URINE THERAPY.

But did you know that your urine could save your life?

10 Things How To Internet Websites

Five Tips on Choosing the Best Domain Name

Here’s a personal question: do you own your own domain name yet?  Benefits of doing so include being able to post your own photo gallery online without having to rely on Facebook, or having a custom email address (regardless of whether you choose to access it with gmail or not).

It’s okay if you don’t have your own personal domain yet.  But you may want to consider getting one for the future.

Here’s a business question: do you own your own domain name yet?  You’d be surprised at how many businesses still don’t have their own website or email presence, and instead figure that posting their information on Facebook is good enough.

It’s not.

Nobody cares about whether you’re on Facebook. They do care if they’re able to get information about your company or products in a fast, reasonable manner.


News sports Websites

The World Record Vagina (you can have one, too!)

Have you ever wanted to set a Guinness World Record?

Web Watch has offered other World Record suggestions in the past, but there’s something to be said for carving out your own niche category and making it your own.

In other words, to guarantee success, you should attempt something that nobody else would even think of trying.


What’s the one job perk 40% of all workers want?

How happy are you in your current job?

If you’re not that happy, what would it take for you to consider leaving your current place of work and joining a different company?

Would more money make you happy, or are you so miserable that you would take a pay cut just to get out of the situation you’re in?