10 Things Funny How To Internet Video

Top 7 Things People Used the Internet for in 1994

The Internet has been around for a really long time.

Truth is, kids that are just graduating high school and heading off to college today have never known a life when the Internet wasn’t a daily part of their lives.  Sure, accessing it may have gotten a bit easier over the years, but it’s always been there for them

And it’s been an even longer time that WEB WATCH has been sharing Internet sites and interesting stuff online for our readers — so yeah, the Internet has come a long, long way since 1994.

But how different is it now versus what it was like before?

Maybe we need to step into our Time Machine and head back to 1994 to see the TOP 7 THINGS THAT PEOPLE USED THE INTERNET FOR.

10 Things Websites

Want to be a clown? You gotta learn to follow The Clown Rules

Some people say that being a clown must be easy work.

Show up at a party, tell a few jokes, make some kids laugh, then get back into your clown car and drive away.

But it’s really not that simple, is it?  Things like being a clown never are.  .

10 Things Travel

Geographic fun: mapping 2012’s most popular baby names

Have you ever thought about why there aren’t very many kids in California named “Helga”, but there are tons of them in Germany?

Ever wondered how regional given names are across the country?

How To shopping

What does a home inspector look for?

When was the last time you bought or sold a house?

In today’s economy, it’s the perfect time to buy a house with super-low interest rates (currently hovering around the 3.2%-3.8% range… dirt cheap money).  And with the low amount of resale housing inventory, it’s also the perfect time to sell your house… assuming it’s in relatively good condition.

In other words, it’s both a buyer’s and a seller’s market – at least at certain price points and in certain neighborhoods.

So now that you’ve decided to buy (or sell) your home, what are things that you can do to insure that you’re getting a good deal and not some money pit?

How To Internet Music

How to create a happy soundtrack for your app

One of the hardest things for amateurs to do when coming up with a great video, web game, or smartphone app is to come up with a high quality music bed to accompany the narration or gameplay.

At worst, it becomes an annoying din that the user has to tune out or turn off.

At best, it’s a hooky catch that transcends beyond the game to become an entity unto itself.

Super Mario Theme

10 Things Travel

Germans may love David Hasselhoff, but David Hasselhoff loves Germany too

Quick – what country do you admire most?

Does “America” come immediately to mind, or do you find yourself immediately thinking of every country other than America, just to see if there is a country that you think you admire more than America?