Disney Movies Music Video

Video Fun: Disney and Pixar Movies remixed into Pop Music

Innovate the Pixar Way: Business Lessons from the World's Most Creative Corporate Playground
Innovate the Pixar Way:
Business Lessons from the World’s Most Creative Corporate Playground

Web Watch is always amazed at the creativity that the Internet has sparked.

Maybe that creativity and innovation has always been there, but the Internet has certainly made finding these things more exciting and accessible to all.

So when we stumbled upon this remix of audio clips from the FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR, we thought that we’d take a look to see what else POGOMIX has done.

And that’s when we discovered this treasure trove of audio remixes from various DISNEY and PIXAR films.   Watch below, and enjoy…

Funny Gadgets Movies Music Video

Video Fun: Did you know that the James Bond theme song had lyrics? Now you do!

Shaken & Stirred: The Feminism of James Bond
Shaken & Stirred: The Feminism of James Bond

Did you know that the theme song to James Bond had lyrics?

Check out this lyric-filled tribute to our favorite 007 Super Spy:

10 Things Movies Video

Video Fun: The 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time

Insults Every Man Should Know
Insults Every Man Should Know

The 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time

10 Things Gadgets Internet Movies TV Video Games

What PS3, Xbox360, and Wii owners really do with their systems

Xbox 360 with Kinect
Xbox 360 with Kinect

So Web Watch is in the process of packing up some of our video game systems and putting them away.  The PS2 and Xbox Classic are no longer needed, and don’t even get us started on the TurboGrafx or Sega Genesis that were also taking up precious shelf space.

We’ll leave the Wii and PS3 where they are as we still use those regularly, as we anxiously await the long-rumored Xbox 720 to come out to replace the Xbox 360.

So what does all this mean?  We’re not the only ones with older gaming systems still hanging around and being used.

But what are they being used for?  It’s not always what you think.

Gadgets How To Internet Movies Music News TV Video Websites

If you have ever downloaded anything illegally, you may want to visit this site

BitTorrent for Dummies
BitTorrent for Dummies

Remember how much fun Napster was, back in the day?

Yeah, well Napster is officially gone now.

What about LimeWire?  KaZaa?   Yeah, you shouldn’t be using those either.

Nope, whether you agree with the legalities (or lack thereof) of those sites, none of the old fun “file sharing” apps and websites are valid anymore, thanks to the movie and music industry.

And the proliferation of $0.99 songs and apps on the iTunes store.  That kinda helped a little bit.

Of course, you always have that peer-to-peer sharing via BitTorrent, which is a legitimate way to legally share giant files amongst people who need them.  Unfortunately, a few bad apples had to go and ruin BitTorrent for everyone else too, by using BT as a way to throw around pirated movies and music.

How To Movies shopping Websites

Movie theaters react to NetFlix with new “Pay one price, see unlimited movies”

Why Popcorn Costs So Much at the Movies
Why Popcorn Costs so Much at the Movies

If you love going to the movies as much as Web Watch does, you’d be seeing at least two movies a week, every week for a year. 

Granted not every film you see is going to be good.  And not all will be in genres that you always enjoy.

But you’ll definitely see all the great films, all the funny films, and all the films that people will be talking about the next day if you take the time to go to the theater regularly.

But not everyone can afford to spend $12 per movie ticket these days.  Seeing 2 films a week for 52 weeks can add up to over $1200/year… and that’s not counting parking, popcorn, sodas, snacks you sneak into the theater, beer (purchased at the fancy theaters that have a liquor license)… and you can count on doubling that if you go with a date.

$2400 a year, just to sit in the cool air-conditioned comfort of a big screen theatrical event with someone special a few times a week, every week of the year.

10 Things Movies

The 15 Worst Movie Mistakes of ALL TIME

Movie Mistakes
Movie Mistakes

One of the very first websites that Web Watch talked about that gained a lot of traction from our fans was MOVIE MISTAKES

We’ve stopped counting the times that Web Watch has been stopped on the street over the years by readers who still list Movie Mistakes as one of their top favorite sites, after hearing about it from Web Watch. 


We know you don’t believe us, as we’ve talked about literally thousands of sites here on Web Watch, but it’s true.  Movie Mistakes are really, really popular.  Go figure.

Book Movies TV

Spoiler Alert! Spoilers are GOOD for you! (Psst: Vader is Luke’s Father)

Spoiler Alert: Bruce Willis Is Dead and 399 More Endings from Movies, TV, Books, and Life
Spoiler Alert: Bruce Willis Is Dead and
399 More Endings from Movies, TV, Books, and Life

Rosebud is a sled.

It was Earth all along.

Soylent Green is people.

Snape kills Dumbledore.

No longer is it safe to save a favorite movie, book, or TV show for later enjoyment if you want to avoid having the ending spoiled.  Web Watch has mentioned before that we were successfully able to avoid hearing about the ending of THE SIXTH SENSE until we finally saw the film ourselves on DVD.  Yes, we knew there was some general plot twist, but we always were able to avoid any in-depth conversation about it until many months after the film had been released.

And that was before Twitter and the #spoiler or #spoileralert hashtags came into play.  We’ve gotten into online battles with friends who are active on various social media sites who have become angry about conversations on shows that they haven’t seen yet, but were pissed that they just happened to come across someone else’s comment.

Dude, if you don’t want to know what happened, then stay the hell off of Twitter.  How the hell are WE supposed to know what you have or haven’t seen yet?