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Take the 100 Thing Challenge #100TC

The 100 Thing Challenge: How I Got Rid of Almost Everything, Remade My Life, and Regained My Soul
The 100 Thing Challenge:
How I Got Rid of Almost Everything, Remade My Life, and Regained My Soul

How much “stuff” do you have?

George Carlin used to joke about needing a “place for your stuff”.  Look around – it’s just a bunch of stuff lying around your house, isn’t it? 

Stuff you don’t need.

Stuff you can’t even remember why it’s there in the first place.

Stuff you have to decide to leave behind if a flood comes.  Stuff you have to recover if you were ever burgled.  Stuff you might need to list in a divorce proceeding. Stuff you’ll have to go through once your parents pass away years from now.

Have you ever thought that maybe you have too much stuff?

Book Websites

The Playboy Club “Bunny Manual”

The Bunny Years: The Surprising Inside Story of the Playboy Clubs: The Women Who Worked as Bunnies and Where They Are Now
The Bunny Years: The Surprising Inside Story of the Playboy Clubs:
The Women Who Worked as Bunnies and Where They Are Now

While the Playboy Casino at the PALMS Casino in Las Vegas is the newest iteration, the classic Playboy Club and Playboy Bunny staff member have been around for decades.

There’s no denying – there’s definitely a certain mystique about the Playboy Bunny waitstaff — which is not to be confused with a Playboy Playmate, which has a mystique of her own.

10 Things Book

The Top 100 Banned Books, 2000-2009

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

The American Library Association (and the nation’s libraries in general) have a tough job – they need to make available practically every book ever written, yet they get yelled at for making certain books available.

Unfortunately, books don’t come with parental ratings guides. The best that a parent can hope for is that a particular book has been classified correctly into “children’s”, “young adult”, or “adult” material – but even then, there’s rarely a problem with a youngster deciding to read at a level above their head. It’s oft viewed as a sign of advanced brain development.

So when it comes to deciding what books their children should read, it really should be up to the individual parents to determine.  Parents have control over what media their children have access to at home, so books should be included in that material. 

There’s nothing wrong with a book being written and made available in a library or local bookstore. If you don’t believe that a particular book is for your child, then take the book away from them – but don’t force the issue by making those books unavailable to everyone else who may be interested (or not offended) in reading the same material.

10 Things Book

The list of things men should never wear starts with flip-flops, fanny packs

How to be a Man
How to be a Man: A Guide to Style and Behavior for the Modern Gentleman

If you have read DETAILS or GQ magazines over the past few years, you’ve probably seen the Style column written by Glenn O’Brien.

You may mock the recommendation for this book or others like it that have variations of “for the Modern Man” in the title, but you’ll find that if you pick them up and give them a quick glance, you’ll find at least a dozen helpful hints and suggestions hidden among all the things that you may feel don’t apply to you.

In other words, go out and get it.  And frankly, any of these books make great gifts to your favorite nephew or younger cousin just about to enter high school or college.  Might even get them set into the right direction as they’re about to head off into adulthood.

Funny Websites

Today’s Funny: Postcards from Yo Momma

Email for Seniors: a step-by-step guide for the computer shy
Email for Seniors: a step-by-step guide for the computer shy

How many of you are scared about your parents being on email or following/friending you on social networks?


Thought so.

Does it help if you knew that you were not alone?  That pretty much everyone doesn’t want to have any more interaction with their parents than was already being provided by phone or Sunday evening dinners?

Book Movies TV

The Krofft 40th anniversary H.R. Pufnstuf DVD & a live-action movie! (w/ Justin Bieber as Jimmy?)

Pufnstuf & Other Stuff: The Weird and Wonderful World of Sid & Marty Krofft
Pufnstuf & Other Stuff: The Weird and Wonderful World of Sid & Marty Krofft

Web Watch is a huge Sid & Marty Krofft fan.

From Sigmund and the Sea Monsters to H.R. Pufnstuf, to even their later efforts like D.C. Follies, Sid & Marty Krofft were always ahead of the curve in coming up with things that will appeal to kids (yet still have a little subversiveness to help draw in the parents).

We highly recommend the PUFNSTUF & OTHER STUFF book for a history of what the Kroffts have done, although more intellectual minds may want to take a gander at Sid and Marty Krofft: A Critical Study of Saturday Morning Childrens Television.

Book Websites

Awesome bad ads over at You Suck at CraigsList

Wanted: Bear Cubs for my Children - 100 Of the Weirdest CraigsList Ads
Wanted: Bear Cubs for my Children – 100 Of the Weirdest CraigsList Ads

Sure thing – maybe “you can buy and live in million dollar homes, or obtain Corvettes or other cars and trucks with no credit and no money down…..always using Craigslist”.

Or maybe you want to not be an idiot when posting your own ad on CraigsList.

Book Websites

Today’s Must Read? PhoneSex, the book

PhoneSex, by Phillip Toledano
PhoneSex, by Phillip Toledano

Ever want to be a phone sex operator?

Ever call one of those numbers that flash up on your screen while you’re watching late-night TV?

Perhaps you need to flip through Phillip Toledano’s book, PhoneSex.