Funny shopping

How much money has Cards Against Humanity earned?

By now, hopefully you’ve played that game that Web Watch told you about last year, CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY.

Yes, it’s a sick game, for sick people.  And funny as hell.  Web Watch ends up giving away copies of the game to friends who want to take it with them immediately after Game Night is over. We’re single-handedly keeping CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY in business, it seems.

10 Things Gambling Games Music sports Websites

Let’s play a game: Race Horse or Song Title?

Let’s play a game: “Race Horse or Song Title”?

It’s a fun game to play during TRIPLE CROWN season, where gamblers everywhere turn to the KENTUCKY DERBY, PREAKNESS, and BELMONT to crown the fastest horse in the land.

But while we all chuckle over the wacky names that horses are given, one does have to wonder where those names come from, right?

food Games Websites

Beer Pong can Kill You

As Web Watch told you earlier, BEER PONG is the MOST POPULAR DRINKING GAME around.

The premise is simple: throw a ball into a cup, make your opponent drink.  Web Watch has even been to the WORLD SERIES OF BEER PONG out in Las Vegas, and we’ll be the first to tell you that THAT event is a party and a half, even if the entry fee (including room, which cuts down on driving liability issues) starts at $500 per person.


Games How To

What is the highest scoring Scrabble word?

Web Watch, as we’ve declared previously, loves playing board games with friends.

There’s something about sitting around a table and taking part in a group activity – laughing, drinking – that you just can’t get from the anonymous (and cheat-filled) ways of playing knock-off word games with friends via cellphone.

Is SCRABBLE the best game choice for game night?  Sometimes yes, sometimes not.  It partly depends on how many people are playing, and whether they enjoy playing word games with you.  If you’re the kind of person who TiVos the NATIONAL SPELLING BEE, then chances are you’re not the type of person that others will want to engage in a casual Scrabble game with.

10 Things food Gadgets Gambling Games sports Websites

Top 100 Most Popular Drinking Games, and 5 Drinking Game Types

Back in the day (and it’s always “back in the day” with these types of stories, isn’t it?), Web Watch would be known to partake in a drinking game or two amongst friends.

Why?  Mainly because the games themselves were kinda fun.  A bit stupid, perhaps, but always a fun challenge.  Drinking was merely secondary to the activity, as one never needs a “game” of any sort to take a drink whenever one would like.

The key, of course, is to know when to say when and back out of the activity.  Drinking too much because of some stupid game rule is never a good idea for anyone.

Games shopping Video Games

What was the best video game system ever made?

Web Watch has owned a fair number of home video game systems over the years.

Among others, we’ve had your basic PONG machine, the classic Atari 2600, a Nintendo Game Boy, Turbografx 16, Xbox, various Playstations, and a Wii.  An entire industry could be devoted to the number of random game cartridges we have lying around for defunct (or soon to be defunct) systems.

Games sports Websites

How to collect every baseball card ever made

Everyone has a collection of some sort.

Some people collect spoons, some people collect Hard Rock Cafe t-shirts from cities they’ve been.  Some people do the Disney or Olympic pin trading thing, while others focus on specific types of artwork, or books.

Sure, it could lead to hoarding — but if your friends go out of their way to get you an item “because you have so many other things just like it”, then you just may already have a collection of sorts.  And maybe it’s time to get some new friends.

How To Music

How to Silence Earworms

Web Watch has told you about earworms before, those pesky little pieces of songs that get stuck in your head so you can’t get them out.

Earworms, for the music industry, are good – they prove that there really is such a thing as a song that you’ll never forget.