10 Things Book Websites

The 1800’s were a vulgar, obscene time in history

If you’ve never had the opportunity to visit the Old Country (Germany, Italy, France, etc), you’ll be amazed at how history surrounds you at every turn when you do finally make it over there.

Everywhere you look will be some ancient building or piece of art, forever preserved for the never-ending crowds of ooh-ing and aahh-ing tourists.  Even just stepping out of the high-speed, modern train station in Venice is like stepping immediately into the 14th century (get to Venice while you can, before it sinks away into the sea forever – it’s worth the trip).

10 Things How To

10 Phrases That You Should Never Say At Work

Web Watch knows that to succeed at work, it’s not always who you know – but rather who knows you.

In other words, you may not know the Big Boss in your organization… but you can certainly get ahead if the Big Boss knows who you are.  They’re the ones who will look out for you in the long run, especially if you’re known as someone who can get things done for them.

10 Things Funny Websites

What is the best word ever?

What is the best word ever?

Some would say that it comes down to the most commonly-used words like “like”, “dude”, or the ever popular “fck”.  Some people – like your English teachers – would hope that the Best Word Ever would be something a bit more egalitarian.

10 Things

Um, what’s YOUR “crutch word”?

A while back, Web Watch told you about how much we hate certain words – like “mancave” and “actually”.

It ends up that there’s a reason why some of these words really suck – and it’s not because some of these phrases are just stupid made-up things (“vajayjay”) that serve no purpose when other, more practical words can suffice.

10 Things Funny How To Websites

Pop Quiz: how well do you know your Victorian sex terms?

Back in the day, Web Watch took a college course in Human Sexuality.

It was supposed to be one of those “easy A”-type classes, but sometimes when word gets around about the alleged “underwater basketweaving” reputation of a college course — even one seemingly as trivial as Human Sexuality — the Powers That Be decide to makde some dramatic changes by firing the teaching staff and hiring new professors to turn the class into something a bit more… challenging.

So now we were stuck with writing essays about the Human Condition, and discussing “feelings”.

It ended up being a much more difficult course than those who took previous semesters had experienced.

Damn them.

Funny Internet

News flash: nobody can tell you’re being sarcastic via email (well, la-dee-freakin-dah)

Have you ever written a quick text message, Twitter comment, or email to someone – intended to be a joke – and have it be completely misinterpreted?

There’s a reason why emoticons have become so widespread :) .

It’s because on the Internet, nobody can really tell if what they’re reading is supposed to be taken at face value or if it should be treated like a joke.

10 Things Gadgets Internet Science Websites

People who talk to computers are idiots

If Web Watch were to mention the name Randy Pausch to you, chances are you wouldn’t know who we were talking about off the top of your head.

But if we were to mention that Randy was the Carnegie-Mellon professor who wrote the book The Last Lecture, then maybe that would help ring a bell for you.  If you haven’t taken the time to read the book or watch the phenomenal documentary on The Last Lecture, then Web Watch strongly encourages you to stop whatever you’re doing right now and do so.

We’ll wait.

Just let us know when you’ve gotten back and we’ll continue…

10 Things News Websites

Why today’s politicians are dumber than previous ones

Have you ever considered going into politics?

Sure, there’s some fame and fortune involved, plus the added bonus of actually feeling like you’re giving something back to the community that you represent.  This may work best in smaller cities and neighborhoods — being the president of your local Homeowners Association requires a completely different skillset than being the Mayor of your town.

Just like being Mayor requires different skills in some podunk town in the middle of nowhere than it does being Mayor of a major metropolitan city.

Face it – if too many cows on your byways is the biggest problem you have to deal with, then you’re not quite ready to attack the Major Politics of Today.

You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You're Deluding Yourself
You Are Not So Smart:
Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook,
Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction,
and 46 Other Ways You’re Deluding Yourself

All that’s not to say that representing a small political arena is for dumb people, and only smart people can manuever around Big City or National politics.

But maybe there are some trends that can identify whether the person representing your best interests is as smart as they can be when compared to their compatriots.

For instance, according to SUNLIGHT LABS analysis of the members of congress and how they use language, they can identify who present themselves at a higher-intelligent level vs those in congress is try to talk to the lowest-common denominator.

Using some analysis of speeches that all Congressional members have made, they’ve been able to determine the grade level that each Congressman typically speak at.

From a trending perspective, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that as more and more years pass, Congressional speech patterns are getting worse and worse.  Web Watch calls it the MTV Effect (or, to update for the 21st century – the YouTube Effect).  Shorter attention spans and the rise of quick edit TV newscasts has resulted in what is – in effect – representatives that have lost the ability to sound like they’re talking intelligently.

They all may be extremely smart individuals.  But they’re certainly not all presenting themselves that way.

Let’s look at the LOWEST RANKING CONGRESSIONAL MEMBERS and their level of grade school talk:

  • Rep. Mick Mulvaney (SC) – 7th grade
  • Rep Rob Woodall (GA) – 8th grade
  • Rep Rand Paul (KY) – 8th grade
  • Rep Sean Duffy (WI) – 8th grade
  • Rep Tim Griffin (AR) – 8th grade


  • Rep Dan Lungren (CA) – 16th grade
  • Rep Liculle Roybal-Allard (CA) – 14th grade
  • Rep Jim Gerlach (PA) – 14th grade
  • Rep Tom Petri (WI) – 14th grade
  • Sen Daniel Akaka (HI) – 14th grade

(Just go with the grades higher than 12 to be collegiate level. Web Watch is just reporting what’s in the data, not making judgements on how its interpreted.)

Some of what the analysis shows is:

  • Simple speech tends to come from those who speak more.
  • Moderate members of Congress tend to speak at higher grade levels than do those members of Congress who would be considered more extreme.
  • Newer members of Congress tend to speak to a lower grade level than those who’ve been in Congress longer