10 Things

10 jobs that are expected to disappear in 2012

What do you do for a living today?

Do you expect that job to still be pertinent when 2012 comes to an end?   If you’re in the pay phone repair business, you may want to start looking to expand your skillset.

Same thing if you’re working at a GPS manufacturer or printing Yellow Pages.   All of these are jobs that technology has trumped over the past few years.

But there are trends that you may want to pay attention to, especially if you believe what the BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS’ OCCUPATIONAL OUTLOOK HANDBOOK has to say regarding what jobs are currently on the decline.

Book Websites

Finish this sentence: It was over when….

Web Watch is pleased to bring you yet another in our ongoing series of WEBSITES THAT HAVE BEEN TURNED INTO BOOKS, following in the footsteps of CAKE WRECKS and F*** MY LIFE that we’ve talked about in the past.

We know, we know. 

Why didn’t we think of it?

All it takes is a really awesomely great idea, and you start a blog.  Eventually, you start making so much traffic that mainstream press (and Web Watch) start writing about you.  Soon, the book publishers begin calling — and that’s when you cash in and retire to the Bahamas.

Today’s entry on this list is entitled IT WAS OVER WHEN… (tales of romantic dead ends).

10 Things Music

Which Grammy nominee is on your Free Pass list?

Everybody has a “free pass” list.

That’s the list of celebrities that if, given the opportunity to do so, your significant other would allow you to have a personal encounter with (whether the ground rules state that it’s limited to just a kiss or something more naked and involved is up to the individuals making the pact).

The theory is that nobody would ever really have a shot at hooking up with a celebrity, so coming up with your Top Five fantasy hookups is really more for fun than anything else.

We all know the typical Hot Celebrities that everybody seems to put down on their lists:  George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt.  (Yawn – can you get more boring and predictable?)

10 Things Video

Can you really see the Great Wall of China from space?

Web Watch has often been told that you can see the Great Wall of China from outer space.  That it was the only man-made object that was visible by astronauts.

Apparently, that’s not true.  Never has been.

There are some things that you CAN see from space… but the Great Wall is not one of them.

10 Things

When you die, will you have any regrets?

When you die, are you going to have any regrets?

Will there be things that you wish you had done, things you wish you had said – anything that in your last days on Earth you would look back on and ask yourself, “what if…”?

This is more than just fulfilling a Bucket List.  This is about closure.

Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse, specializing in caring for dying patients, those in the last few weeks of their lives.  Over the years, she has spent much time talking with and comforting her patients, listening to those last few words that they had to share.

Gadgets Internet Movies shopping TV

Will Apple Buy TiVo?

As long-time Web Watch readers know, we’ve been a huge fan and support of TiVo over the years.  We’re all set to pony up and buy the Tivo Premiere Elitewith 4 tuners and 2TB worth of recording space, once TiVo and the cable companies work out their On Demand issues.

But that was all before all the APPLE TV rumors started to crop up again this week.

And if these rumors about what 2012 will bring in terms of an Apple living room experience, we may need to reevaluate our decision to invest in another TiVo, no matter how much it pains us to consider this as an option.

So let’s dive into what the rumors are, as well as present our own wish list of what the ultimate APPLE TV experience should be, after the break.

food Movies Video

Today’s fact: the movie FACES OF DEATH was faked


How many of Web Watch readers have seen the shock-umentary film FACES OF DEATH?

Would you believe that the film is over 30 years old now?

And for those of you who have seen it, what is the most memorable scene in the film?   (We’ll give you a moment to think about it… we’ll get back to this question in a moment.)


Pop Quiz: in an emergency, would you rather save your pet or another person?

Web Watch would like to own a dog, but we’re more “borrow a dog” people over “own a dog” people.  Too much hair and upkeep with a moving pet.  We owned one of those beta fighting fish for a year or two.  That seemed to work out okay, since the fish seemed to stay in its jar throughout the day.

But we’ve never owned a pet where we had an emotional connection that would come into play in an emergency situation.

So we ask you:  in an emergency, if you only have one option – to save your pet or to save a person – which would you choose?