food Funny

How many people does a cannibal need to eat to survive?

“I’m so hungry I could eat a horse” is a common phrase, but one doesn’t always stop to think about what it means.

Does it mean that you would actually eat an entire horse?  Have you ever stopped to consider whether you actually could eat the whole horse or not?  Sure, we eat a pig from the rooter to the tooter, but we don’t eat the pig all in one seating.

Cannibal! The Musical
Cannibal! The Musical

Funny Websites

If it sounds too good to be true, it must be made up, right?

They say that you shouldn’t believe everything that you read on the Internet.

That Wikipedia may (or may not) be the most reliable source of information out there.

It’s almost as if the Internet was designed as a way to implement the Ultimate April Fool’s Joke, just by saying to some naive friend, “hey, guess what I read online”? and having them believe you because YOU SAID IT WAS ONLINE!

Nothing false can be put online, you know.  It says so right here in this email our grandmother sent us.

Weird but True! 2: 300 Outrageous Facts
Weird but True! 2: 300 Outrageous Facts

Funny Science shopping Video Websites

Poo-Pourri’s Business Plan Stinks. Here’s what they should do instead…

It’s happened to everyone.

You’ve had to go, and you’ve had to go bad – and you’re not at home where it’s typically safe to do so.

Look, everyone does it — we just don’t want to share that fact with our friends, neighbors, or family.  Web Watch was talking with a couple the other day who did not have the pleasure of living with each other before getting married.  On their honeymoon was the first time that either had experienced The Smell from the other… and she made him leave the hotel room while she took care of her business.

Ah, young love.

Poo-Pourri X-Large 8 oz bottle Original Scent bathroom toilet air freshner odor masking spray
Poo-Pourri Original Scent bathroom toilet air freshner odor masking spray

10 Things Funny Websites

Santa is NOT “a bit creepy”

Raise your hand if you believe in Santa Claus.

Note that Web Watch didn’t write “if you still believe”, as the word “still” implies that there’s a time when you naturally stop believing in what Santa’s all about.

Santa Costume
Santa Costume

Funny How To

The best job in the world: ball washer at Ikea

You know those playgrounds with all the plastic balls in the ballpit?

Web Watch told you about how those ballpit balls were covered with feces and germs, remember?

Well, IKEA has ballpits for their younger guests.  Guess what they do?

The Truth about IKEA: The Secret Success of the World's most Popular Furniture Brand
The Truth about IKEA: The Secret Success of the World’s most Popular Furniture Brand

Funny Travel Websites

Life in the air: Funny Airplane Pilot Stories

Not every office is as entertaining as others, but a job is only a job if you aren’t able to find some humor in it.

Some jobs lend themselves to storytelling more than others, and this is one story-filled website (and book!) that we’ve stumbled upon for your amusement.

4-Day Follies
4-Day Follies: A year in the life of an airplane pilot

Funny Travel

This is the funniest thing you’ll read today

You’re about to read a very funny story.

It involves a plane, lots of business associates, and some very unfortunate timing.

Matter of Time Instant Privacy Pop Up Shelter
Matter of Time Instant Privacy Pop Up Shelter

All we can tell you is that THIS WILL BE THE FUNNIEST (albeit gross) STORY YOU’LL READ TODAY.

To tell you anything more would be ruining the joy of the storytelling.  Be sure to read it out loud at your next dinner party, it’s that entertaining.

The question for Web Watch readers is: what would you do if you found yourself in that same situation?  Leave your ideas and suggestions below…

10 Things Funny How To

20 Toddler Rules Every Parent Must Know

Web Watch has a number of friends who are just beginning the joy of parenthood.  For them, this post is for you as your journey begins.

(For those of you considering children in the future, let this be a warning. For those of you who have already successfully raised their children, you may sit back and laugh, nodding your head with the knowledge you have gained over the years.)

Making the
Making the “Terrible” Twos Terrific