10 Things How To

4 Things Women Should NOT Do At Work

Over the years, Web Watch has worked for both male and female bosses.   And we would be the first to tell you that there are distinct differences between the managerial styles of both.

Some of them were very good at what they did; others, not quite so much.  And some of that we definitely can chalk up to the individual’s personalities.

But not always. 

Sometimes, the individual was more of the “in it to win it” style of management. Take no prisoners, rule with a firm, but iron-clad fist.   And that was okay too.

And we’ve seen both men and women be taken down by their leadership skills (or lack thereof – again, depending on the person).

10 Things shopping

Women would rather have bigger breasts than be smart

“Math is Hard. Let’s go shopping!”

Ah, remember when Barbie actually said that, and the uproar that came from concerned parents that thought that Barbie wasn’t being a proper role model by encouraging young women that being smart wasn’t nearly as important as going out shopping?

Well, maybe the folks at Mattel were ahead of their time with this.


10 Things How To

Contrary to popular belief, “women’s business networks” don’t always work

Web Watch has been a member of any number of work-related groups and networking circles.

Usually, they serve some greater purpose in advancing one’s career via seminars and learning opportunities. 

But the networking aspect of them always felt a little… off. 

Very clique-ish, especially from an outsider’s viewpoint looking in.  If you didn’t already know someone who knew someone, your ability to join in all the fun and reindeer games would be similar to what you probably went through in high school, with the same insecurities in trying to make it in with the In Crowd.

Gadgets Internet Science

Men like to check out other men’s junk. Women don’t.

In advertising and when designing websites, lots of research goes into determining exactly how to place specific items onto the page, photo, advertisement in order to determine the best layout.

Stores do this physically, by putting high-demand items (such as milk or perishables) towards the back of the store.  Walt Disney did this when he decided that his new theme park needed a “weenie” in the center of the park to act as a magnet, ultimately drawing visitors towards the Castle that’s become a centerpiece of each of the Disney parks to date.

So while it’s easy to determine traffic patterns when people are walking around, how to businesses determine what makes a good print or online layout?

10 Things

News flash: Men and women love different brands

What brands do you love?

What products do you especially seek out simply because you love the company, regardless of whether they’re considered the Best of Class in their product line?

Would you believe that men and women differ on which brands they admire most?

We know, it’s shocking that there could be gender differences based solely on brand affection – but it’s true.

Funny News

More scientific proof that men are funnier than women (but your spouse is funny, too)

Web Watch has previously written about how MEN ARE FUNNIER THAN WOMEN before, so in some ways reporting on these latest findings is a bit like rubbing salt into a wound.

The difference in this survey is that the participants couldn’t consider any professional comedians in their answers… and even with that caveat, the results still came out the same.

How To

It’s true: Men can tell when a woman is having her period, just by listening to her

Period.: A Girl's Guide
Period.: A Girl’s Guide

If there’s one thing that men have learned over the years, it’s that women can be moody once in a while.

And we all know what one of those causes of mood swings can be, don’t we?  Yes, yes we do.

But there is something that scientists have discovered that can help men avoid being in the line of fire when that moody time comes around… and it’s not nearly as complicated as keeping a diary of their own to document those moments.

food Websites

Women love to snack. Surprised? We aren’t.

The Stop Solution - Stop Yo-Yo Dieting, Snacking And Big Portions - Hypnosis
The Stop Solution – Stop Yo-Yo Dieting, Snacking And Big Portions – Hypnosis

Who doesn’t like to have a snack or two between meals?

Web Watch has been known to grab a 3pm bowl of popcorn while at the office.  Snickers and 5-Hour Energy have entire advertising campaigns around mid-day snacking.

So we shouldn’t be surprised about what the ALMOND BOARD OF CALIFORNIA found out after survying over 400 women aged 35 and over.