How To

How doctors and nurses unknowingly spread infections

Web Watch has already told you about one way that DOCTORS AND NURSES SPREAD INFECTIONS, just by wearing their scrubs outside of the office.

(Remember, if you see a medical professional in front of you at the Starbucks and they’re wearing scrubs, they could have just come out of an infected surgical area and haven’t bothered to change. Ewww.)


3M Littmann Cardiology III Stethoscope
3M Littmann Cardiology III Stethoscope


You’ll never guess how many hours of exercise obese people get in a year

Web Watch could make a million dollars by supplying doctors and physician offices with a stack of Post-It Notes and prescription pads that have LOSE WEIGHT and GET MORE EXERCISE printed on them as part of the standard checkup diagnosis.

There may be rare cases where a physician tells a patient that they have to eat more in order to maintain certain aspects of health, but the vast majority of us do need to lose some weight or get more exercise on a regular basis.

The Ultimate Guide to Training Overweight and Obese Clients
The Ultimate Guide to Training Overweight and Obese Clients

How To Travel

How to avoid getting norovirus on a cruise ship

Cruise ship.  Norovirus.

These two words, when seen together, can cause panic amongst new cruise ship vacationers who don’t know what they’re about to get themselves into.

Just a little bit of E.Coli can cause significant gastronomical distress on a cruise ship, and no amount of handwashing or Purell will erase the memory of a vacation gone bad in the aftermath of spending day upon day stuck (almost literally) to your stateroom toilet.

You’ll be lucky if you have a balcony – at least then you’d be able to air out the room and maybe see a little bit of the sights inbetween your bathroom runs.

Top 100 Cruising Tips for Beginners
Top 100 Cruising Tips for Beginners

10 Things food

What to eat before sex; what NOT to eat before sex

Some people don’t like to have sex after having a huge meal of pasta and beer.

“I’m too bloated, I feel fat. Don’t look at me.  <urp>”, they’ll say.

Others go out of their way to pile on a romantic dinner of strawberries, oysters, chocolate, and champagne, hoping to get their partner “into the mood”.

The question here is, IS EITHER PERSON RIGHT?

Food, Sex And Peace of Mind: What A Woman Needs To Know To Keep A Man
Food, Sex And Peace of Mind:
What A Woman Needs To Know To Keep A Man

How To

What your urine color says about you

We all know the common diet theory of drinking eight glasses of water a day. (We’ve heard variations on this that say that eight glasses is a misnomer, and you need to take your weight and divide that by 2 to give you the number of ounces of water to drink a day).

Regardless, you’re still drinknig a ton of water, no matter how you cut it.

But every body is different, so how do you know if you’re drinking enough water at all?

Color My Bath Whiz Kids 100-Piece Potty Training Tablets
Color My Bath Whiz Kids 100-Piece Potty Training Tablets

How To

Video Fun: How to avoid a hangover

What’s the one thing everyone with a hangover always says?

“I’m NEVER going to drink again”

“I’m never going to drink THAT again”

“I’m never going to drink like that AGAIN”


News Websites

How much chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea cases are in your county?

STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases) are no laughing matter, especially if you’re a parent trying to raise teenagers.  Casual sex amongst young people happens, you know.  All a parent can do is hope that they’ve raised their children correctly in that they’ll use proper protection or common sense when it comes time to hook up.

Chlamydia Home Test
Chlamydia Home Test

10 Things Websites

What’s your New Year’s Resolution going to be?

It’s getting to be about that time of year, where everyone stops celebrating the holidays and starts looking more towards things that they can do to improve their lives in the upcoming year.

Many experts all say the same thing — you shouldn’t be worried about making a New Year’s Resolution, but rather make yourself a New Year’s Commitment.

The difference is that commitments are more binding, mentally and physically, over a mere resolution where you try to achieve something that may or may not happen.   It’s all about committing to your stated goal, forcing that new habit to take effect.  A resolution?  Beh.
