
Parents: your son will cost you more money than your daughter will

Are you the proud parent of a young boy and a young girl?

Do you lie awake at night wondering how you’re going to pay for that expensive wedding for your daughter?  You’re not thinking about your son growing up and what that will do to your wallet – you have your mind trying to figure out how you’re going to foot the bill for that $100,000 wedding that your daughter has been planning all her life.

Girls Will Be Girls: Raising Confident and Courageous Daughters
Girls Will Be Girls: Raising Confident and Courageous Daughters

10 Things

Top Industries with Increasing Salaries

Asking your boss for a raise can be unnerving.

Do you deserve it? Do you think you have everything you need to show why you have earned being paid more money?  How valuable are you contributions? How valuable are you as an individual to the organization?

How to Ask for a Raise: Learn How to Ask for a Pay Rise and Do Salary Negotiation the Right Way. Asking for a Raise Has Never Been So Easy!
How to Ask for a Raise:
Learn How to Ask for a Pay Rise and
Do Salary Negotiation the Right Way.
Asking for a Raise Has Never Been So Easy!


Is it better to be an hourly employee or salaried?

It’s a question that nobody wants to ask their friends or neighbors, but it’s one that you ask yourself every day: how much money do you make in a year?

Do you feel that you are adequately compensated for your time spent working?

Minimum Wage, Maximum Damage How the Minimum Wage Law Destroys Jobs, Perpetuates Poverty, and Erodes Freedom
Minimum Wage, Maximum Damage
How the Minimum Wage Law Destroys Jobs,
Perpetuates Poverty, and Erodes Freedom


Survey shows that women expect men to pay for dates

One would think that today’s dating scene should be a bit different from how it was back in the day. Times change, people change, philosophies on what is culturally acceptable change all the time.

Wearing sneakers out to a fancy dinner? Never used to do it, but now we do it all the time.   Dress up for airplane travel?  Not anymore – tank tops on hairy men are all the rage at the airport these days.

First Date Tips For Men: The Complete Dating Psychology Guide For Men
First Date Tips For Men:
The Complete Dating Psychology Guide For Men

10 Things

The 25 Best Companies to work for – if you want a HUGE salary

For some people, the higher the salary the happier they are.

They’ll jump around from company to company, spending 6 months in one place, a year in another – all in the attempt to continually “bounce up” in salary when moving from one company to another.

Why do they do that? Because we all know that staying with one company and relying on that 2%-3% annual raise – if you get even that – is not the best way to increase your retirement nest egg.

Negotiating Your Salary: How To Make $1000 a Minute
Negotiating Your Salary: How To Make $1000 a Minute

News shopping Websites

How much are aluminum soda pull tabs worth?

Maybe you’ve seen a cardboard box for the Ronald McDonald House in your breakroom.

Maybe you’ve been told by your neighbor’s kid that there’s the same amount of money in this part compared to the entire rest of the trash you’re throwing out.

What if we told you that you’re basically wasting your time?

1,000 Soda Pull Tabs
1,000 Soda Pull Tabs

10 Things Games

50% of mobile gaming revenue comes from 10% of the players

How much money do mobile game makers take in on their games?

Like Web Watch has told you before, Candy Crush was pulling in around $850,000 a day from just a handful of their users.

But we’ve uncovered a bit more information about how the mobile gaming financial numbers are playing out across the board when all revenues are looked at.

Mobile & Social Game Design: Monetization Methods and Mechanics, Second Edition
Mobile & Social Game Design: Monetization Methods and Mechanics, Second Edition


How much money does YouTube pay when a video goes viral?

It’s everybody’s goal to get a viral video posted on YouTube.

Is it for the fame?  Is it to get some sort of licensing deal so you can sell animatronic toys based on your pet cat?

Keyboard Cat
Keyboard Cat