
It only takes $47,500 to be in the Top 1%

Everyone loves a little bit of competition.

Keeping up with the Jones, for example, can drive one to excess consumption at the expense of your credit card payments.

But maybe you’re putting too much pressure on yourself.  Maybe, you’re a lot more rich than you think you are.

10 Things How To

What does the average wedding cost?

They say that there are three things that one should expect to consider as The Most Important Expenses in your lifetime:  a new car, a new home, and your first wedding.

(Kids, naturally, are also an expense over time — but that’s an expense that returns love and so much more, so Web Watch will leave that one out of this discussion.)

10 Things food News shopping

Supermarkets throw away $2,300 worth of food every day

Remember when Web Watch told you about FOOD EXPIRATION DATES?  All about how you can determine the shelf life of food?

And then we told you that it wasn’t just food that could expire, but that COSMETICS HAVE EXPIRATION DATES too?

Well, you at home aren’t the only people who pay attention to the SELL BY, BEST BY, or USE BY dates that you find on your local supermarket products.

It should come as no surprise that the supermarkets themselves do the exact same thing.  And throwing out all that allegedly “expired” food costs each supermarket, on average, about $2,300.

How To Internet Music

Where to get free, live music online

You can’t deny that Apple’s iPod had a defining effect on the technology and music industries.

Web Watch had been using other MP3 players for years before Apple came to the portable music party, but it was Apple’s ease of getting the music through the iTunes Store that solidified Apple’s place in history.

But there is some music that isn’t available in the iTunes Store, or Amazon’s Music Store, or Google Play.  And that can be frustrating to fans who are really looking to complete their collection of music from their favorite artists.

How To

Why you should have an emergency fund

Lots of financial experts will tell you how important it is to have an emergency fund.

Heck, even Web Watch has told you about the plan to have $10,000 in savings before you turn 30.  And while $10,000 in the bank today may not mean as much as what it did 10 or 20 years ago, if you’re able to pull this off then you’re still doing better than the vast majority of people you hang around with.


Mad about outrageous corkage fees? Here’s one to make you angrier

How many times have you decided to go to a restaurant, and instead of buying one of their (slightly) overpriced wines off their wine menu, you’ve brought a special bottle with you from home or from the liquor store down the street?

Web Watch likes to eat at one local favorite specifically because they don’t have a liquor license and encourage guests to bring a bottle of wine from home.  They ask only $5 per bottle, perhaps to cover glass cleaning and the servers’ time in presenting the cork to us.

But considering that a $5 per bottle corkage fee is extremely reasonable in today’s restaurant world, we’re happy to pay that instead of other options that could be made.

How To shopping

4 Rules of the Laundromat that Everyone Should Know

When was the last time you visited a laundromat?

Here’s a better question: if you have a washer and dryer at home, would you ever find yourself with a need to go to a laundromat ever again?

Web Watch would say, “yes, you can find reason to go to a laundromat even if you have a perfectly fine washer and dryer at home.”

Let us explain…

How To shopping Websites

Take the Live Free Challenge for a year: Don’t buy your kids anything

Hattie Garlick has a plan.

For 2013, she decided on a unique New Year’s resolution, to try to raise her son Johnny as cost-free as possible for a year.

That’s right — she’s not going to spend any money for anything that’s specifically geared towards her 2-year-old son.