10 Things How To

25 most common grammar and language mistakes

Strunk and White - Elements of Style
Strunk and White – Elements of Style

While we try to be entertaining in what Web Watch writes, we know that we may not be the best writer in general.

Hey, it happens.  But at least we’re out there trying – and trying to use sound sentence structure and proper grammar along the way.  With the occasional sentence fragment thrown in.  For kicks.

So when we ran across this list of the TOP 25 GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE MISTAKES, we knew that we might be in trouble for doing one of these in the past.  We’ve posted some of our favorites from the list below the cut:


Choose better fast-food meal options by not ordering the combo meals

Combo Meal - Meat Shake
Combo Meal – Meat Shake

A study by University of Virginia professor Kathyrn Sharpe in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing entitled “Consumption Effects of Bundling: Consumer Perceptions, Firm Actions, and Public Policy Implications,” says that ordering combo meals may not be good for you, health-wise.

The study found that when given a choice of ordering menu items a la carte vs ordering them as a combo meal, consumers would order the combo more often — even if the price point was exactly the same as the a la carte options.

Internet Movies Travel

Why is hotel Internet access so expensive? Blame pay-per-view movies

Marriott Gift Card
Marriott Gift Card

When was the last time you stayed at a fancy hotel with nothing to do, and f0und yourself ordering up one of the hotel’s pay-per-view movie or gaming options?

If you’re like any of the people who often did this, you probably also haven’t done this recently.

Web Watch knows this because we read that HOTEL REVENUES FROM IN-ROOM SERVICES HAVE DROPPED in 2010.


America has chosen the best (and worst) celebrity couples of 2010

Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones
Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones

There’s a reason why the gossip magazines are around – it’s a way for the everyday consumer to escape into a world of celebrity and the high life.

But no matter how much we may wish that we were a celebrity – let’s face it, celebrities have the same relationship issues that us regular folk have.  They just get other people to write about it.

Disney Gambling

Disney star Miley Cyrus is making gambling fun

Hannah Montana - Miley Cyrus Movie
Hannah Montana – The Movie

Miley Cyrus is making gambling fun.

More specifically, gambling websites is making fun of Miley Cyrus and her recent exploits.

By now, you’ve probably seen celebrity gossip site TMZ reporting that a VIDEO OF MILEY CYRUS SMOKING A BONG (albeit a bong containing salvia, a natural herb that is not considered illegal) has been making the rounds.


Nobody likes dirty restaurant kitchens

Clean/Dirty Kitchen Magnet
Clean/Dirty Kitchen Magnet

Nobody likes dirty kitchens, whether it be a dirty restaurant kitchen or watching what is perceived by some to be unhygenic food handling practices.

According to an October survey of over 1,000 adults regarding reasons to eat (or not eat) at a restaurant, it ends up that the primary reasons people choose not to eat at a restaurant all pertain to restaurant cleanliness.. or lack thereof.


10 Things food How To

How to Survive the Office Holiday Party

The Swingin' Christmas Party
The Swingin’ Christmas Party

Ah, the annual holiday office party. 

Typically, an open bar.  Music. Dancing. Canoodling in the coat closet.  Yes, they can be fun on so many levels… but you have to be careful.  Web Watch recalls attending an office party where the boss had to carry a passed-out employee out to a waiting taxi. 

Which brings up today’s question:  WHAT TO DO TO SURVIVE THE OFFICE HOLIDAY PARTY?

10 Things TV

Of all TV networks, network TV still has more loyal viewers than cable

TV by Design: Modern Art and the Rise of Network Television
TV by Design: Modern Art and the Rise of Network Television

Critics have been hailing the fall of network TV for years.  With cable getting a lot of the press regarding their high-quality programming (Mad Men, Conan, Sopranos, OZ, Dexter, Big Brother After Dark, etc), one can certainly understand why they would be saying such things.

But perhaps it’s a pipe dream. 

Network television certainly isn’t going to go away, or go away any time soon.  Especially when you look at the TOP TELEVISION CHANNELS THAT PEOPLE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT.