News Science

Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals spread germs everywhere they go

 Doctor Walking Through Hospital Closet with Blue Sheets and Scrubs
Doctor walking around in scrubs

You’ve seen them around town:  walking through the park on their way to and from lunch, driving through the bank teller line, shopping at the grocery store, eating at restaurants after a shift, riding your elevator — doctors, dental hygenists, nurses, and other medical professionals all wearing their scrubs out in public.

Think about it.

Why do medical professionals wear scrubs?  They’re easy to clean, and they don’t want to get their “real” clothes dirty.

So why do you see so many of these same medical staff wandering around in public in their scrub outfits?  They certainly aren’t going to wear these non-sterilized clothes anywhere that would possible infect you in their day-to-day care of your illness or dental exams.

Or are they?


Research shows connection between loss of virginity and divorce rates

Divorce Cake Topper
Divorce Cake Topper

Researchers have uncovered a link between when a woman lost her virginity and the likelihood of her getting a divorce later in life.

The study was published in the April edition of the JOURNAL OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY in a piece entitled ADOLESCENT SEXUALITY AND THE RISK OF MARITAL DISSOLUTION.

Gadgets Science

Invention of the future: A strap-on fetal monitor

The Baby Owner's Manual
The Baby Owner’s Manual

Are you pregnant?

Ever wonder what it would be like if your belly had a big glass window like your oven does, so you can glance at your developing child any time you wanted?  Yeah, it would put new meaning to the phrase “a bun in the oven”.

It ends up that Melody Shiue has designed what could very well be the answer to your prayers:


Science proves that size DOES matter. Taint so?

Tainted Love
Tainted Love

Science is a wonderful thing.

You know how women say that “size doesn’t really matter”?  It ends up that size really does matter – but not because women think they like it better that way.

Nope.  It ends up that size has a direct correlation to sperm count.  In other words, the larger the size, the more fertile sperm are around to help in the baby-making.

It’s about this time that Web Watch will like to point out that we may not be talking “size” of the same thing here.  So let’s explain:


Women primarily turn down casual sex for just one reason. Guess what it is

Music for Casual Sex
Music for Casual Sex

A new study has been published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology entitled PERCEIVED PROPOSER PERSONALITY CHARACTERISTICS AND GENDER DIFFERENCES IN ACCEPTANCE OF CASUAL SEX OFFERS by Terri Conley.  

Say what? 

Yeah – it’s a study on what men and women look for when entertaining an offer to have a one night stand. A hook-up. Friends with benefits. Casual sex.

So what did the study find out?  That men and women are basically the same when it comes to deciding who – or more importantly, why – we decide to hook up with someone or not.

food Science

The “Clean Plate Club” is a farce

Piazzas and Pizzas: Adventures of the Clean Plate Club in Italy
Piazzas and Pizzas: Adventures of the Clean Plate Club in Italy

You remember how your parents always used to encourage you to eat all the food on your plate at each meal?

  • “Eat your food, you want to be a member of the Clean Plate Club!”
  • “Here comes the airplane – open up the airplane hanger and let it in…”
  • “If you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?”

And the ever-popular, “there are starving children in China/Africa/Arizona who don’t have any food, so you better eat”.

Well, it ends up that our parents were lying to us.

News Science

Are the chances of having a boy or a girl baby dependent on the mother?

Guarantee the Sex of Your Baby: Choose a Girl or Boy Using Today's 99.9% Accurate Sex Selection Techniques
Guarantee the Sex of Your Baby:
Choose a Girl or Boy Using Today’s 99.9% Accurate Sex Selection Techniques

There are all sorts of research done that allegedly say they can influence what gender your new baby will be.

Some come down to bedroom techniques, some are due to foods that are eaten, or the type of underwear the father should wear one month before the conception is attempted.

Everybody knows that it’s the father that contributes the chromosome that results in whether the baby is a boy or a girl… but a new study has come out that may pour some fuel onto the growing fire of the mother having some influence after all.

Science Websites

Everyone has lots of bacteria… living in their belly button

The Belly Button Book
The Belly Button Book

Have you ever taken a good look at your belly button?

We’re talking some serious navel gazing here, and we’re not talking about simply picking the lint out of it.

Because according to researchers in North Carolina, “very few people wash their belly buttons out with soap