Science Websites

If you had to do just one exercise for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

The Luscious Bellydance Workout for Beginners
The Luscious Bellydance Workout for Beginners

The NYTimes recently posed the question, WHAT’S THE SINGLE BEST EXERCISE?

The writers spoke with physicians, physiologists, and even a professor of sport and exercise science (and also a past Olympian) for their opinions, and they were able to come to a single conclusion.

Funny Science shopping

The latest perfume scents: bacon, poo, and semen. Luckily, not all at once

Scent of a Woman
Scent of a Woman

Who doesn’t like the smell if bacon?

Okay, besides most vegetarians and perhaps some religious folks — who doesn’t like the smell of bacon?

Well, Web Watch is still unsure about this new perfume, interestingly enough, entitled “Bacon” (pronounced bay-cone) – and it very well may be a prank product right now.  But perfume maker FARGGINAY has gone ahead and created just that.  A bacon-scented perfume.

Science Websites

Should women be astronauts? Sure – just be sure to drink their pee

Astronaut Barbie
Astronaut Barbie

There are some people who say that women shouldn’t be astronauts. 

It really doesn’t matter who those idiots are, because we have people like Dr William Rowe, and his website FEMALES IN SPACE, which offers many scientific and medical reasons why women are superior astronaut material.

10 Things Science

More proof that the cosmetics/beauty industry is trying to kill you

9-inch Beauty Hairstyling and Makeup Head
9″ Beauty Hairstyling and Makeup Head

Web Watch has said it before, about how beauty shops and cosmetics are trying to kill you:

Okay, you can’t actually die from having herpes.  Well, maybe die from embarassment… but that’s a completely different subject for a different day.

Let’s cut right to the chase: there are plenty of chemicals that are are part of various cosmetics and beauty products that you may not be aware are in there.  Here’s a list of the MOST UNWANTED INGREDIENTS IN PERSONAL CARE/BEAUTY PRODUCTS:

How To News Science

How to fold a piece of paper in half, 13 times

Origami Craft Studio
Origami Craft Studio

Many years ago, Web Watch told you about a girl who figured out that it was mathematically possible to FOLD A SINGLE PIECE OF PAPER OVER ON ITSELF 12 TIMES.

The long-held reasoning was that it was physically impossible to fold a piece of paper in half more than eight times, but Britney Gallivan proved that paper could be folded over 12 times.

food Funny Science

The end to embarassed farting cows, flatulent goats, and stinky sheep

Cow Pie gift box
Cow Pie gift box

Science may not have found a way to cure major diseases, but they think they’ve figured out a way to keep a cow from farting.

And wouldn’t you know it, it’s the same concept that also helps keep you from farting as well:  A CHANGE IN THE COW’s DIET WILL PREVENT EXCESS GAS.

News Science

April is National STD Awareness Month

What You Should Know About STDs
What You Should Know About STDs

APRIL is STD AWARENESS MONTH, according to the American Social Health Association, the CDC, and Your STD Health.

Why the need for a whole month dedicated to STD awareness?  Because not everyone thinks that STDs can happen to them. But it could…

Science shopping Websites

Today’s fun fact: Nipple reduction surgery can cost about $1000-$2000

Nipple Guards
Nipple Covers

We know you were wondering, but were afraid to ask.

Nipple reduction surgery can COST ABOUT $1000 to $2000.  Some physicians will charge $900 for one, while others may give you a slight discount if you decide to go for a change in nipples on both breasts.