Funny Websites

Today’s Funny: Postcards from Yo Momma

Email for Seniors: a step-by-step guide for the computer shy
Email for Seniors: a step-by-step guide for the computer shy

How many of you are scared about your parents being on email or following/friending you on social networks?


Thought so.

Does it help if you knew that you were not alone?  That pretty much everyone doesn’t want to have any more interaction with their parents than was already being provided by phone or Sunday evening dinners?

Funny Websites

Words that are not needed: “Baby Daddy”, “Mancave”, and “Vajayjay”. (Vajazzle, you’re okay)

Man Cave: Enter at Your Own Risk
Man Cave: Enter at Your Own Risk

There are some phrases that Web Watch just can’t stand hearing anymore.


“Baby Daddy” or “Baby Momma”.

And we’re not alone about some phrases driving people bonkers:  Ian Hare wrote about NOT LIKING THE WORD “VAJAYJAY” either.

Look, we’re all adults here.  Why sugarcoat these terms into things that are not what they seem?

Book Websites

Awesome bad ads over at You Suck at CraigsList

Wanted: Bear Cubs for my Children - 100 Of the Weirdest CraigsList Ads
Wanted: Bear Cubs for my Children – 100 Of the Weirdest CraigsList Ads

Sure thing – maybe “you can buy and live in million dollar homes, or obtain Corvettes or other cars and trucks with no credit and no money down…..always using Craigslist”.

Or maybe you want to not be an idiot when posting your own ad on CraigsList.

Funny Websites

Photo blog of the day: Sexy People!

GLAMOUR THROUGH YOUR LENS: A Centerfold Photographers Guide to Exciting Photography
A Centerfold Photographers Guide to Exciting Photography

Not everybody looks good in pictures.

At our local grocery store, the store management has their headshots all lined up near the cash registers so that the customers can easily recognize who’s in charge.

All the photos are standard grocery store headshots: blue background, corporate-looking shirt (with and without a tie, depending on managerial level).  You know the type of pictures these are, and they all look like they were taken the same day… well, all but one photo on the wall were like this.

One picture stood out from the rest: it was the picture of one of the female managers, taken at GLAMOUR SHOTS.  Fuzzy purple boa, feathers in the hair, sultry/pouty pose while looking over a shoulder, heavy hairspray and makeup.  In other words, not exactly what we customers would want to see as a store representative of our food and beverage supermart.

Funny Websites

Bad spellers of the world, untie!

Bad spellers of the world, untie!
Bad spellers of the world, untie!

Web Watch is going to keep today’s update short, as the fun is in the site:

10 Things How To Internet

The 18 Types of Posts every Blogger should be Writing

Blogger Inside
Blogger Inside

If you’ve been reading Web Watch over the years, chances are that you also have an interest in also writing.

And, as Web Watch has been around for a number of years – the secret to attracting visitors to read what you write is to try to have something interesting to write about.  Web Watch covers a wide range of topics — hopefully, you’ve found some of it interesting along the way.

Funny Websites

STFU, Parents – because mocking bragging parents never gets old


Are you sick and tired of those happy new parents who think everything that their little angel does is absolutely freakin’ perfect?

While you can typically deal with them in person – especially if they’re close friends – there are thousands of more annoying people like that online.

Of course there is.

Funny shopping sports Websites

An obvious (and unfortunate) side-effect of the “Root Suit”

Full Body Spandex Suit - Morph Suit
Full-body Spandex Morphsuit (pick your color)

So the other day, Web Watch was participating in the monthly WOOT-OFF when we saw them talking about the ROOT SUIT

We know you’ve seen the ROOT SUIT on TV this football season — it’s been featured gameday wear for any number of collegiate and NFL football fans eager to get on TV but without having to show their face.

There are other versions and names out there: the MORPH SUIT,  Zentai, a full-body spandex suit, the lycra outfit, the Spiderman getup.  And they’re all the same basic thing — a costume that you can hide in public in.