
Hey Buddy – Want to Buy a Used MP3?

Now that a new  iPhone is available, isn’t it time for you to go out and grab some nice shiny new MP3 files to use on the new iPhone?  You don’t want to use your old dingy files, you prefer that “new MP3” smell when the songs come fresh out of the store.

But the problem is that now you have a huge pile of MP3 files that you never listen to anymore, just gathering dust.  You’ve paid good money for them over at the iTunes or Amazon stores, and you’re not going to just throw them away.

What do you do?

Internet News

Twitter Users are a Bunch of Quitters… and other Twitter Usage Statistics

A report came out this week about Twitter, regarding how users new to Twitter use the service, a STATE OF THE TWITTERSPHERE, if you will.

In short, the conclusion is that the vast majority of Twitter accounts are inactive at best.  Some users sign in and tweet just once, resulting in an ORPHAN TWEET.  If you happen to run across one yourself, feel free to retweet it with the #orphantweet hashtag.

The bigger question, however, is how prevelant are these orphan tweets?   Consider this:  as in real-life, so goes Twitter:  the top 10% of the most active Twitter users account for over 90% of the overall Twitter traffic.

food Funny Internet

How Much Energy Does Google Use?

Google, being a company based on computers and data centers and other electronic stuff, is often asked about how energy-efficient they are.

After all, Google’s mantra is “Don’t Be Evil”.

So Google engineers did some number crunching and DETERMINED HOW MUCH ENERGY A GOOGLE SEARCH TAKES as related to the amount of CO2 that is generated.

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Extending Invisibles into Porn and Internet Memes

You know that part of the DVD party game, SCENE IT, where they show a scene from a film but all the actors have been digitally removed from the scene as if they were an invisible man?   The concept is called INVISIBLES and was first seen online on the FILM WISE website many years ago.  Film Wise has over 400 Invisibles quizzes on their site, so it certainly will fill up your day as you try to figure some of those out.


Get 20,000 Followers, Get a Twitter Tattoo

Josh Highland, as we saw in Web Watch yesterday, is classified on Tweeting Too Hard as being a narcisstic Twitter tool.  Not at the top of the list, but a tool nonetheless.

But he doesn’t deserve to be on that list.  He just tweets about things that are meaningful to him.

Like trying to get 20,000 Twitter users to follow him.

Internet Websites

How Much of a Twitter Tool Are You?


It ends up that we didn’t need to bother, as a calculation is unnecessary.

TWEETING TOO HARD is a look at what people are Twittering about, and if you find your tweets getting posted on the site, the general consensus will be, “Yes, you ARE a tool… and here’s the proof.”

Funny Websites

More of the Most Common Facebook Photos and Poses

A few months ago, Web Watch presented the TOP 20 MALE POSES SEEN ON FACEBOOK, but that appears to be just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to stereotypical Facebook photos and poses.

Urban Dictionary even has a definition for “Facebook Pose”:   An “I look so good from this angle” pose that people pull when someone is taking a picture of them that is likely to appear on facebook. Such pictures are usually taken at a concert/party/club, and are posted for no reason other than to make people appear successful popular and like they have a life.


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How To Do Tilt Shift Photography

Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L Tilt Shift Lens for Canon SLR CamerasTilt shift photography is a way to make an image or film look like it’s of a toy miniture or the object is made of plastic — just by adjusting the focus used by the camera.

You can use a special tilt shift lens on your SLR camera, or you can manipulate the image digitally with Photoshop to change the focus to a much narrower frame of reference.  Doing so makes the image appear much further away in the shot than it actually is.

You may have already seen some examples of tilt shift photography without even realizing it.  Joss Whedon’s TV show DOLLHOUSE uses tilt shift photography in its opening credit sequence, seen here: