Gadgets Games Movies

Want to star in a Hollywood Movie? Try YOOSTAR

Yoostar video game movie systemRemember that Drew Carey show with Drew and all his funny friends from WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY doing all their improv stuff in front of a green screen?

Wouldn’t it be fun to do that at home, but instead of having to improvise comedy, all you have to do is insert yourself into a real movie and act out the scene yourself?

Now’s your chance to YOOSTAR!

How To Movies TV Websites

How to Find Celebrity Homes on Google Maps

Maps to Celebrities HomesSo you’re sitting around the house watching the REAL HOUSEWIVES marathon on Bravo, and you got to wondering:  we know that we always see these houses and townhomes in the shots, but where exactly do these women live?

Or maybe you want to see exactly where the Playboy Mansion is in relation to other celebrity homes in Hollywood?

Sure, you could do a couple of Google searches or type things into Google Maps to see what comes up, or you could do what Web Watch does and visit VIRTUAL GLOBETROTTER, because they’ve already done the hard part for you.

10 Things Movies

What Are the Cheesiest Movie Lines EVER in Movie History?

Cheesy MoviesRaise your hand – how many of you can quote almost every line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail?


Star Wars?

The Breakfast Club?

Look around the lunch table.  If it isn’t the guy sitting next to you with their hand raised, then you’re definitely the one.

Movies Websites

The Fantasy Film League is Coming Back!

Mr & Mrs Smith filmThose of you who have been following Web Watch for a long time should be familiar with how much we enjoyed the FANTASY FILM LEAGUE when it was around a few years ago – and how sad we were when FFL (that’s “Fantasy Film League” talk) went away due to prior/more important commitments by the site owners.

Well, Web Watch has just received notice from Mr Smith that the Fantasy Film League will be returning in March 2010.  So be sure to set your browser alarm clocks to return to the FFL home and stake your claim on being the most awesome movie producer ever.

Movies shopping Websites

Halloween Poll: What is this year’s “IT” costume going to be?

A Christmas StoryIt’s that time again.

Time for creative-minded folks to start thinking about what they want to slap together for Halloween.

And this year, with Halloween falling on a Saturday, you just know that the costumes have to be more amazing than ever.

Oh sure, there will be the standard “couples” costumes that cutesy dating couples have to do:  Jon & Kate should be a favorite (put on an Ed Hardy shirt and walk around brooding, and you’ll win first place).  Paula Abdul, Michael Jackson, and the Octomom will make their appearances as well.

But here are the important things to remember when putting together your Halloween costume:

How To Movies TV

How to Ruin the Surprise Ending to 33 Movies, 100 TV Shows, and more

Happy EndingsWeb Watch is not one to spoil the end of a good movie or TV show.

Heck, we once were able to avoid all relevant conversation until The Sixth Sense was released on DVD before knowing what happened at the end of the film.

So we know how important a great twisty/surprise movie ending can and should be.

How To Movies

How To Get Started in the “Film” Industry*

Inside Deep Throat documentary*the Adult Film industry, that is.

Yes, this post will point you in the direction you need to GET STARTED IN THE ADULT FILM INDUSTRY.

For example, if you wanted to made a film for HUMPFEST.

Besides, it’s good to throw a couple of NSFW links out there for you frequent Web Watch readers.

NSFW = “Not Safe For Work”, for those of you who don’t know what it means. No, we’re not linking to sites featuring nekkid photos, but the content in all of today’s links may be a bit more graphic than what you’ve been used to seeing here on Web Watch. Be appropriately warned.

Movie Review Movies

The Worst Movie of All Time

Psychos in Love - the worst movie ever made

“What is the worst movie of all time?”

Ask that question of 500 different people and you will get at least 500 different answers.

Web Watch believes that PSYCHOS IN LOVE is the worst film ever made, and others have expressed similar opinions.   And trust us, Web Watch has seen some really, really bad films over the years.

(In the spirit of fairness, there are a number of folks who think that PSYCHOS IN LOVE is a fairly entertaining B-movie, and recommend buying the recently-released director’s cut of the film on DVD.  Web Watch is in shock that there would be any unreleased footage worth including as bonus material.  But we digress.)

(Update: I misread the post linked above by Gorman Bechard to represent a “director’s cut”. It’s not. But it does have two commentary tracks, extended scenes, and other bonuses for the fans who want an inside look at the creation of Psychos in Love from the filmmaker. My bad.)