
The Great American Sex Survey says that we fantasize least about… co-workers

101 Romantic Nights Dice
101 Romantic Nights Dice

Do you think you have a healthy romantic relationship with your partner?

According to the latest announced results from adult toy retailer ADAM & EVE’s “GREAT AMERICAN SEX SURVEY (site NSFW), 94% of respondents said that adult toys can be an important part of any healthy relationship, with 82% stating that toys were included in their activities, and an additional 3.2% said that they planned to do so in the future.


More than one-third of the Internet contains adult content

Cyberporn: How pervasive is it?
Online Porn: How pervasive is it?

TIME magazine once asked about how pervasive online porn was?

Other than “a lot”, it seems that we now have a more definitive answer to the question.  According to a study by an online security firm, OVER ONE-THIRD OF THE INTERNET IS DEVOTED TO PORN.

Movies Music Video

Video Fun: Reservoir Dogs mashup videos meet Cee-Lo Green’s F*** YOU

Reservoir Dogs Soundtrack
Reservoir Dogs Soundtrack

So the other day, Web Watch told you about the NEW CEE-LO GREEN SONG “F*** YOU” and how awesome it was.

And it ends up that we were not the only ones who thought so.  FU has struck just the right cord with so many people, that they’ve quickly begun to do FU MASHUPS, where they take the Cee-Lo track and apply it to other films.

Here’s how it looks against THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION:

Music Video

Cee-Lo Green makes an awesome radio-friendly single (if “radio-friendly” means “nsfw”)

The song F*** You, from Cee-Lo Green‘s upcoming album The Ladykiller. How can you not want to blast this at full volume as you drive down the road, singing along with the windows rolled down? 

That’s what Web Watch has been doing – join in the fun!

Besides, Web Watch likes any artist who will rhyme “Ferrari” with “Atari”.

Full NSFW lyrics below the break, if you don’t want to read ’em in the video itself.

Funny Gadgets How To News

Introducing “The Penazzle” (Vajazzling has officially jumped the shark)

Nads for Men
Nads for Men


Seems like since we wrote that article and Jennifer Love Hewitt continued to brag about her own vajazzle experience, a lot of women have since taken the step to make themselves prettier down there with a few extra crystals and glue – some have even resorting to using stick-on earrings.

It’s become a business unto itself to the point where an enterprising web developer even came up with their own voting website called RATE MY VAJAZZLE.  Web Watch shouldn’t have to tell you that this site qualifies 100% as NSFW.

And as vajazzling has become more mainstream, comedians have started to joke more often about the vajazzle trend with such bits as THE TOP TEN REASONS TO VAJAZZLE YOUR HOOCHIE, including:

food Funny

National PI Day, you say? Today is for celebrating something else entirely (nudge nudge, wink wink)

Steak for March 14th

Web Watch has already spoken about why March 14th should be NATIONAL PIE DAY instead of NATIONAL PI DAY.  

It’s that whole “3/14” thing again, and who doesn’t like pie? 

Music Video

Seen Lady Gaga’s TELEPHONE video yet? Here’s a list of 25 things you may have missed

Lady Gaga Telephone Remixes

Hopefully you have seen Lady Gaga’s latest video, TELEPHONE, by now.

If not, here’s the 9-minute long video for you:

Funny Gadgets How To News

The New Fashion Trend: Bedazzling Your Hoo-Ha (aka “Vajazzle” and “Vagacial”)

Temporary Body Jewelry Tattoos
Temporary Body Jewelry Tattoos for Vajazzling

Web Watch thinks that some things are perfectly fine the way they are, but apparently some women think that some body parts are always in need of a little, well, something “extra”. 

And we’re not talking about a simple bikini wax or the more complicated and deadly Brazilian wax (yes, a Brazilian wax can kill you, remember?).

If you’re one of those women who think that their special place needs a little special something, then Web Watch would like to point you in the proper direction to get that taken care of.

First, let us introduce you to THE ART OF VAJAZZLING (eg VAJAZZLING: from the root word “vajazzle”, meaning “to bedazzle your vag”. As used in a sentence – “I can’t believe you got vajazzled!”)