10 Things Gadgets shopping

The 10 Most Expensive iPhone Apps

The iPhone App Store is loaded with fun apps that are priced at a reasonable $0.99 or $1.99.

But what about those apps that are the priciest?  Here’s a list of THE TOP TEN MOST EXPENSIVE iPHONE APPS, and what they do:

  1. Interpath ($179.99).  Used by medical professionals to view pathology images
  2. Nursing Constellation Plus ($179.99). A nursing and medical reference guide.
  3. Rosie Home Automation ($199.99). Used to control home A/V and security systems.
  4. iDcrm ($199.99). A Dynamics CRM app.
  5. Lexi-Dental Complete ($299.99). A dental reference guide.
  6. Mobile Cam Viewer ($349.99).  Used to control live surveillance cameras.
  7. PDR Quote ($349.99). Software for auto repair businesses
  8. MATG – SAP BusinessOne ($449.99). Used to access SAP’s BusinessOne application

As for the other two on the list?  You’ll have to click the link to see those.   Before you do, take a guess as to what the top priced app is priced at.

Funny Gadgets Travel

Poop the World

iPhone apps are either practical or fun.

POOP THE WORLD is an iPhone app that’s both.

Because everyone needs a way to track exactly where and what they pooped.

Gadgets How To News

A Car Powered by Mountain Dew

Albequerque, New Mexico’s Paul Patone knows his engines, and Paul knows his soda.

Paul would be the first one to say that soda, particularly Mountain Dew, is literally his driving force.

Why’s that?  Because Paul has figured out how to CONVERT HIS CAR SO IT RUNS ON MOUNTAIN DEW INSTEAD OF GASOLINE.

Gadgets TV

TiVo Statistics on Commercial Skipping for May 2009

TiVo: those who have never owned one will never understand. Those who have used a generic DVR think they understand, but they really don’t.

One benefit that many TiVo enthusiasts love to speak about is their ability to fast-forward through commercials. This has led to some advertisers trying to make their ads “TiVo-Friendly”, so that the core message of the spot will still be conveyed, even as the rest of the commercial goes by in a blur. As an example, you may have seen some movie ads that have the name of the movie displayed at the top of the screen for the duration of the commercial. TiVo users may not see the commercial content, but they know what the commercial was for.

Heck, even NBC CONDUCTED A STUDY THAT PROVED TIVO and DVR USERS DO PAY ATTENTION TO COMMERCIALS. In part, it’s because users who are fast-forwarding through the commercials end up watching the screen intently focused on when the commercial break stops, and if they happen to see an interesting commercial whiz by, they’ll rewind back to watch it.


Funny Gadgets Websites

Texts From Last Night

Web Watch enjoys having a drink with friends, and on occasion there is a need to send a Twitter message out about the current festivities.

Web Watch has covered such drunk twittering (“dwittering”) in previous posts, but we have not covered the more dangerous, come-back-to-haunt-you act of drunk texting.


How Fast Can You Send a Text Message?

Sending a text message can be tough on the thumbs. 

Web Watch, however, envisions a time in the future when the full-size computer keyboards that we know today are piled in the junkpile next to the typewriter, as more and more people grow up being comfortable typing in such a small space.

But how efficient can a peanut-sized keyboard be when you’re actually trying to type something meaningful?

The World’s Fastest Texter competition is what it’s all about.

Gadgets Internet shopping

Finally! A Reason to Buy a GPS – Custom Voices!

If you have been looking for a reason to get a TOM TOM or other standalone GPS navigation unit, here’s an update to a topic covered in Web Watch many, many moons ago:  HOMER SIMPSON IS NOW AVAILABLE TO GUIDE TOM TOM USERS TO THEIR DESTINATIONS.

Gadgets Internet News

Are You An Extreme Techie? Here’s Proof…

Nielsen recently did a survey that revealed who the “Extreme Techies” are.


The study was conducted for the Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing, and as such meant that the focus of the study was going to be all about online video – who watches it, and how.