10 Things

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever done in an elevator?

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever done in an elevator?

Web Watch has only been stuck in an elevator twice before, and both times not for very long. The first time, we had to climb out of the elevator on a step ladder that had been lowered in from the upper floor.  Made for some rather amusing anecdotes with the upper management we were stuck with, that’s for sure.

But we really weren’t concerned, and the jokes weren’t nearly that funny.

10 Things Websites

Do you prefer to work alone? There’s a job for you out there…

Do you consider yourself a “people person”, or do you prefer to spend your working time alone – whether because you can get more done when you’re working by yourself or for some other, personal reason?

Some people just don’t do well working in groups.  “Plays well with others” doesn’t apply to you.

10 Things How To

Name something you should have on your desk at work

Web Watch knows that not everyone has a standard “desk” job in an office.

You know – the one where you may be sitting in a cubical farm or an actual office (with a door), where you and your co-workers all get together to generate some sort of product for your company.

Some office managers frown upon personalizing one’s workspace, while companies like Pixar go out of their way to encourage as much creativity as possible (one Pixar employee build a speakeasy in the back of his cubicle area, complete with secret hidden entrance!).

How To

How to tell if you’re about to be fired

Getting fired is like a rite of passage.

Especially in today’s economic climate, if you haven’t been fired or laid off at least once in your professional career, you can consider yourself one of the lucky ones.

How bad is it out there for the unemployed?  Web Watch knows a number of people who have had difficulty trying to find a regular full-time job in their career of choice – some of whom are going on five years of unemployment.

Five years is a long-time to sit there and wonder when the economy is going to turn around – but frankly, the issue could be just as likely that the job those job-seekers are looking for isn’t available.  There are plenty of jobs to be had — the problem is whether those unemployed are willing to make an industry change, go back to school, or even move across the country if a job prospects are more available elsewhere.

10 Things

Why are you removing your tattoo?

Show of hands:

How many Web Watch readers out there have tattoos?

Alright — now how many of you have a tattoo that you regret having?

And finally – how many of you are going through the tattoo removal process?   Yeah… this last group is the one we want to talk with.


Quitting your job in spectacular fashion

Have you ever quit your job?

Web Watch knows someone who didn’t actually quit their job – they just stopped showing up while they went to work elsewhere.  The employer kept paying them and kept them on the payroll for months, before figuring out that person wasn’t going to come back.  It was more of a quiet, subtle quit process.

But quitting can bring such joy to people, if they do it with passion.

10 Things Funny Websites

The 10 Worst Job Uniforms for All Time

Some offices let their workers enjoy “casual Fridays”, where employees can trade in their khakis and button-down shirts for Levis and polo shirts.

Web Watch knows of one company where they require the staff to wear suits to work once a month (every other day is a “business casual” environment).

And don’t get Web Watch started on those companies we’ve visited where some women feel that flip-flops are appropriate for the office.  We already know that shouldn’t be allowed, no matter what organization you’re in.

10 Things How To

4 Things Women Should NOT Do At Work

Over the years, Web Watch has worked for both male and female bosses.   And we would be the first to tell you that there are distinct differences between the managerial styles of both.

Some of them were very good at what they did; others, not quite so much.  And some of that we definitely can chalk up to the individual’s personalities.

But not always. 

Sometimes, the individual was more of the “in it to win it” style of management. Take no prisoners, rule with a firm, but iron-clad fist.   And that was okay too.

And we’ve seen both men and women be taken down by their leadership skills (or lack thereof – again, depending on the person).